A parametric description of the 3D structure of the Galactic bar/bulge using the VVV survey
We study the structure of the inner Milky Way using the latest data release of the Vista Variables in Via Lactea (VVV) survey. The VVV is a deep near-infrared, multi-colour photometric survey with a coverage of 300 square degrees towards the Bulge/Bar. We use Red Clump (RC) stars to produce a high-resolution dust map of the VVV's field of view. From de-reddened colour-magnitude diagrams we select Red Giant Branch stars to investigate their 3D density distribution within the central 4 kpc. We demonstrate that our best-fit parametric model of the Bulge density provides a good description of the VVV data, with a median percentage residual of 5$\%$ over the fitted region. The strongest of the o…