A. Virkaj Arvi

Measuring the 14C content in liquid scintillators

We are going to perform a series of measurements where the 14C/12C ratio will be measured from several liquid scintillator samples with a dedicated setup. The setup is designed with the aim of measuring ratios smaller than 10−18. Measurements take place in two underground laboratories: in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, Russia and in the Pyh¨asalmi mine, Finland. In Baksan the measurements started in 2015 and in Pyh¨asalmi they start in the beginning of 2015. In order to fully understand the operation of the setup and its background contributions a development of simulation packages has also been started. Low-energy neutrino detection with a liquid scintillator requires that the intrinsic …

research product

Towards 14C-free liquid scintillator

A series of measurements has been started where the 14C concentration is determined from several liquid scintillator samples. A dedicated setup has been designed and constructed with the aim of measuring concentrations smaller than 10−18. Measurements take place in two underground laboratories: in the Baksan Neutrino Observatory, Russia, and in the new Callio Lab in the Pyhäsalmi mine, Finland. Low-energy neutrino detection with a liquid scintillator requires that the intrinsic 14C concentration in the liquid is extremely low. In the Borexino CTF detector the concentration of 2 × 10−18 has been achieved being the lowest value ever measured. In principle, the older the oil or gas source that…

research product