Māris Rudzītis
Climate Warming as a Possible Trigger of Keystone Mussel Population Decline in Oligotrophic Rivers at the Continental Scale
AbstractThe effects of climate change on oligotrophic rivers and their communities are almost unknown, albeit these ecosystems are the primary habitat of the critically endangered freshwater pearl mussel and its host fishes, salmonids. The distribution and abundance of pearl mussels have drastically decreased throughout Europe over the last century, particularly within the southern part of the range, but causes of this wide-scale extinction process are unclear. Here we estimate the effects of climate change on pearl mussels based on historical and recent samples from 50 rivers and 6 countries across Europe. We found that the shell convexity may be considered an indicator of the thermal effe…
Gliemeži un gliemenes
Buklets "Gliemeži un gliemenes" iepazīstina ar Latvijas Univeraitātes Muzeja Zooloģijas kolekcijās apskatāmajiem gliemežiem un gliemenēm, to veidiem, formām, un personām, kas šādas kolekcijas ir vākuši un dāvinājuši Latvijas Univeraitātes Muzejam. Bukletu ilustrē Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja kolekciju paraugu fotogrāfijas.
Hans Šlešs un viņa kolekcija
Virtuālajā izstādē, kas veltīta malakologam Hansam Šlešam, Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Zooloģijas kolekcijas piedāvā iespēju uzzināt par pētnieka biogrāfiju, publikācijām, zinātniskajiem sasniegumiem un Zooloģijas muzejam dāvināto gliemju čaulu paraugu kolekciju.
Rīgas Dabaspētnieku biedrības 50 gadu jubilejas piemiņas ēdienkarte
In 1895, the oldest Latvian Society of Naturalists, the Riga Society of Naturalists (1845 – 1939), celebrated its 50th anniversary. The celebrations also included a social event with a feast, in memory of which a humorous menu based on geological eras was issued. The article provides an insight into both the menu and the society's anniversary celebrations.
Karla A. fon Citela paleontoloģijas plakāti
Latvijas Universitātes Muzeja Ģeoloģijas kolekcijās atrodas paleontoloģijas plakātu kolekcija. Tās autors ir izcils vācu ģeologs un paleontologs Karls Alfrēds fon Citels. Plakātu kolekcija izvēlēta par 2021. gada oktobra mēneša priekšmetu, kurai veltīta virtuālā izstāde.
Conservation status of freshwater mussels in Europe: state of the art and future challenges
Freshwater mussels of the Order Unionida provide important ecosystem functions and services, yet many of their populations are in decline. We comprehensively review the status of the 16 currently recognized species in Europe, collating for the first time their life-history traits, distribution, conservation status, habitat preferences, and main threats in order to suggest future management actions. In northern, central, and eastern Europe, a relatively homogeneous species composition is found in most basins. In southern Europe, despite the lower species richness, spatially restricted species make these basins a high conservation priority. Information on freshwater mussels in Europe is uneve…