A. Macaione
Analisi statistica dei regimi di vento e di producibilità di un impianto eolico sito in Sicilia. Stima di previsione della producibilità eolica attraverso reti neurali
Influence of raw data analysis for the use of neural networks for win farms productivity prediction
In the last decade wind energy had a strong growth because of cost effectiveness of the technology and the high remunerative of investments.
influence of raw data analysis for the use of neural networks for wind farm productivity prediction
In the last decade wind energy had a strong growth because of cost effectiveness of the technology and the high remunerative of investments. The increase of wind power penetration in power grids, however, makes necessary the development of instruments for prediction of productivity of a wind farm. This paper presents a study dealing with the capability of neural network to forecast short term production of a wind farm by the correlation of wind and energy production data. Available measures of wind parameters were related to productivity data of a real wind farm. Also wind data not strictly related to the site have been used in order to assess their possible influence on the production. Aft…