G. Marsala
Forensic considerations on violent parasomnias during lifespan
Nocturnal parasomnias are a group of sleep complex manifestation that don't alter the sleep macrostructure, but when persistent during adulthood may be assume violent aspects with relevant forensic implications about the guiltiness.
Motor skills in children with primary headache: A pilot case-control study
Background: Headache is the most common painful manifestation in the developmental age, often accompanied by severe disability such as scholastic absenteeism, low quality of academic performance and compromised emotional functioning. The aim of the study is to evaluate praxic abilities in a population of children without aural migraine. Materials and methods: The test population consists of 10 subjects without migraine without aura (MwA), (8 Males) (mean age 8.40, SD ± 1.17) and 11 healthy children (7 Males) (mean age 8.27; SD ± 1.10; p = 0.800). All subjects underwent evaluation of motor coordination skills through the Battery for Children Movement Assessment (M-ABC). Results: The two grou…
A brief review about anxiety and aggressive behavior in pediatric age
Anxiety can be considered a normal experience of the human being and as such also of the child. It manifests itself in different ways according to the level of development: in the smaller the child, the more anxiety is expressed with manifestations that involve the whole organism, becoming evident either with motor excitement or with physical discomfort. As the psychic apparatus is structured, anxiety is experienced as an inner phenomenon and is experienced as an unpleasant state. Fortunately, we are all a bit anxious, even if there are some people who are more, others less.
Neuropsychomotricity in water: A new rehabilitative tool for neruodevelop-mental disorders
Neuropsychomotricity in water is a rehabilitative practice that avails itself just of the liquid element, as a mediator of relationships: in water yes they upset all dynamics, be they relational, of equilibrium, of movement and perception, due to the fact that proprioceptive sensations, created by bodily contact with water, they are different than those generated by contact with air.
Orexin system: Network multi-tasking
Orexin system regulates sleep/wake states and its deficiency result in narcolepsy thus indicating the crucial role of orexins in maintaining wakefulness. There are two types of orexin peptides: the orexin-A (OXA or hypocretin 1) and orexin-B (OXB or hypocre- tin 2). The Majority of the central nervous system orexin peptides are synthesized in neurons located in the lateral and back hypotha- lamus and send projections throughout the brain regions Orexin neurons are “multi-tasking” hence regulating also energy homeosta- sis, reward systems and feeding behaviour through connection with hypothalamic nuclei and through responsiveness to leptine and glucose. It has recently been found a connectio…
Trasformare il Moderno. L’architettura della clinica Santa Barbara per la città ANIC ENI di Gela
L’esperienza della trasformazione della clinica Santa Barbara ha messo in evidenza alcuni temi specifici che riguardano il senso del progetto contemporaneo entro le dinamiche divergenti e rizomatiche che caratterizzano il nostro tempo. Dinamiche che ci obbligano a guardare al progetto di architettura come una pratica curatoriale, estesa nel tempo e nello spazio, che può tendere all’unità (anche senza raggiungerla) attraverso azioni prolungate di manutenzione permanente. Pratiche che non hanno nulla a che fare con il facility management ma che riguardano, piuttosto, un paziente lavoro di accumulazione attraverso sfere di azione differenti.E’ possibile dunque, in conclusione enucleare alcuni …
Laboratorio I di Progettazione Architettonica
Il breve saggio definisce le linee guida della didattica della progettazione architettonica del I anno specificandone gli obbiettivi, i contenuti e le finalità.
Architettura, Città, Partecipazione. Nuove pratiche per le trasformazioni urbane. Il caso dei Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa di Palermo
Abstract: The essay deals with the issue of participation in urban and architectural transformation practices through the narration of a concrete case: the Cultural Farm at the Zisa of Palermo. The writing traces its salient steps and enucleaves the nodes and the theoretical and disciplinary contents concerning the statutes of the architectural project and their rewriting, looking at the paradigm of postproduction as the key to contemporary transformations.
Beneficial effects of pasta during pregnancy: The positive effects of mediterranean diet
Pregnancy is a physiological state during which the woman's body undergoes profound modifications. During this time, every woman must be nourished in such a way as to maintain herself in good health and at the same time allow the fetal tissues to form and develop in the best way. Proper nutrition is one of the fundamental prerequisites for the normal evolution of both pregnancy and fetal growth: the quantity and quality of food and drinks must be scrupulously controlled. Contrariwise, it is important to avoid the excess calories and macronutrients. In fact, during pregnancy, it may be just as harmful as their shortage, especially in overweight and obese women, for which the risk of miscarri…
Teatri di passaggio. Corpi e storie nel paesaggio
L'articolo descrive le azioni di istruzione, misurazione e ri-significazione del paesaggio agite attraverso la realizzazione di un evento teatrale. Dall'allestimento dello spazio scenico dentro un sito naturale alla costruzione di architetture temporanee realizzate anche attraverso la relazione tra pubblico e attori disposti nello spazio, l'articolo rimanda agli archetipi architettonici degli spazi teatrali utilizzando la prossemica dei corpi e i loro comportamenti nello spazio.
A PC-based instrument for automatic monitoring and control of a CPVT power plant
A PC-based instrument has been developed for the monitoring and control of a concentrated photovoltaic and thermal (CPVT) power plant. The instrument allows acquiring both electrical and thermal quantities. Moreover it implements the solar tracking algorithm used to optimize the power production.
Mind, brain and altered states of consciousness
The consciousness is the expression of an enormous and complex variety of neurobiological events, phenomenological and psychological that, from the early stages of development, prepare the emergence soil of the Self. It is a complex of tangible and intan- gible characters distinct from one another - neural infrastructure, awareness, temporality, qualitative subjectivity, intentionality - to such an extent as to seem welded faces of the same prism. Consciousness is not a simple function of the mind, but its organization. In this paper we intend to show how its order is not strictly hierarchical, but sustained by multiple horizontal levels, each of which in a structural and functional continu…
Behavioral aspects in children's brothers affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders
Introduction: Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a permanent and complex disability arising within the first three years of life characterized by a socio-communicative disorder and by fixed interests and repetitive behaviors. The present pilot study aims to evaluate behavioral aspects in a small population of siblings of ASD children. Material and methods: Population: 5 school-aged children (2 males, 3 females) (mean age 9.235 ± 2.041) were enrolled, as siblings of ASD children, and for comparison, 12 healthy (7 males, 5 females) children (average age 9,528 ± 3,351). All subjects underwent evaluation of the behavioral with Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scale. Results: The two groups were…
Come nani sulle spalle dei giganti. Il progetto di architettura tra mimesis e invento
Abstract: The essay deals with the theme of mimesis and invention in architecture through the paradigm of transformation, understood as the practice of incessant references and re-elaborations. It does so starting from the theme of the transmission of knowledge in the Aristotelian key that there is always something that lies in what it becomes. The thesis is supported through references to painting, literature, linguistics and neuroscience and uses examples of the architecture of five critically analyzed and de-engineered masters.
Una recensione. Trasformabilità del Moderno. Una possibile nuova stagione dell'architettura.
Il saggio descrive alcune trasformazioni architettoniche recenti della ex-DDR inquadrandoli nel campo teorico e di ricerche sulla trasformabilità dell'architettura moderna, interpretata come un nuovo possibile paradigma per l'architettura contemporanea. Il saggio inoltre riflette nello specifico sull'espansione della città di Palermo e su una possibile strategia della sua riconversione architettonica in chiave contemporanea.