Fabienne Pradella
Pränatale Exposition zu Ramadan in Deutschland: Eine Umfragestudie in Mainz
As long as the breath lasts – in utero exposure to Ramadan and wheezing in adulthood
Ramadan During Pregnancy – Fasting, Nutrition, Sleep Patterns and Offspring Health at Birth: A Cross-Sectional Study
Background: Intrauterine exposure to Ramadan is associated with adverse offspring health outcomes. Yet, the dynamics behind these associations remain largely unexplored. We investigate if maternal intermittent fasting or other lifestyle changes during Ramadan affect birth outcomes, and determine whether nutritional and sleep behavior during non-fasting hours influences the fasting-birth weight association. Methods: Linear regressions are estimated using OLS to identify the associations between fasting, sleep behavior, sweets consumption and birth weight, 5-minute APGAR score and gestational age. Interaction terms between fasting and other behaviors are included to explore the potential mode…
As Long as the Breath Lasts: In Utero Exposure to Ramadan and the Occurrence of Wheezing in Adulthood.
While prenatal exposure to Ramadan has been shown to be negatively associated with general physical and mental health, studies on specific organs remain scarce. In this study, we explored whether Ramadan exposure during pregnancy affects the occurrence of wheezing, a main symptom of obstructive airway disease. Using data from the Indonesian Family Life Survey collected between 1997 and 2008 (waves 2-4), we compared wheezing occurrence among adult Muslims who had been in utero during Ramadan with that in adult Muslims who had not been in utero during Ramadan. Wheezing prevalence was higher among adult Muslims who had been in utero during Ramadan, independent of the pregnancy phase in which t…
Solange der Atem reicht – Die Auswirkungen von Ramadan während der Schwangerschaft auf das Auftreten von Keuchatmung im Erwachsenenalter
Ramadan Observance during Pregnancy in Germany: a Challenge for Prenatal Care.
Abstract Introduction Fasting during Ramadan while pregnant has been shown to have long-term negative effects on the offspringʼs physical and cognitive health. Even though most Muslims do not believe pregnant women are obligated to fast during Ramadan, fasting rates of up to 87% have been reported for pregnant women. No data exists to date about Ramadan adherence and behavior in Germany. Methods The Mainz Study of Ramadan and Pregnancy surveyed pregnant Muslims and new Muslim mothers in Mainz between October 2016 and January 2017 and collected information on Ramadan adherence and behavior. We also collected data on personal characteristics and opinions, to identify determinants of fasting u…