Antonino Giaccone
An ex post criticism, based on stakeholders’ preferences, of a residential sector’s energy master plan: the case study of the Sicilian region
Energy master plans are important tools for an effective and sustainable land governance. On the other hand, the stakeholder role in setting priorities for planning energy interventions is dramatically increasing, also in the light of recently issued European directives. The priorities of energy-saving measures of the Sicilian energy and environmental master plan were originally established with the application of typical economic indicators (the cost of saved energy and the cost of avoided pollutant emissions). During the prioritization process, there was a minor contribution from stakeholders who were not directly involved in the priority-setting process but were only asked to express the…
On the classification of large residential buildings stocks by sample typologies for energy planning purposes
Local and central administrations are often called to properly allocate economic resources intended for the territorial energy planning, on the basis of the performances achieved by implementing energy conservation measures. Particularly in the residential sector, that represents one of the most relevant sector for the energy demand, effective and reliable evaluation tools are required for this aim. Unfortunately, building stocks are characterized by a very large number of buildings that are referred to different construction periods and are equipped with a variety of appliances and tools, other than with different heating and cooling systems. This means that the whole energy consumption of…