We need to appreciate common synanthropic plants before they become rare: Case study in Latgale (Latvia)
Local ecological knowledge holds great potential in contributing to sustainable resource management and conservation activities. For this reason, the authors choose to analyse an ethnobotanical dataset from the Baltic Sea region by exploring the relationship between plants and humans on the basis of three main categories: habitat characteristics, distribution in the wild and plant sensitivity to human impact beyond physical distance. The study provides empirical evidence of widespread usage of so-called common species which are widely distributed in the territory and benefit from human activity. When considering the data via the intensity of use, based on detailed use-reports (DUR), the mai…
Active Wild Food Practices among Culturally Diverse Groups in the 21st Century across Latgale, Latvia
Simple Summary A study in the bordering region of Latvia took place in order to investigate wild plant food uses. In total 72 interviewees reported food uses. The most represented uses of recorded plants were recreational tea; for jam; as snacks and soup; and drink. Interviewees also reported loss of foraging practice due to the habitat change as for example in case of caraway and chamomile. The results indicated that part of the reason for the main use of wild plants were linked to diet diversification. Abstract Local ecological knowledge (LEK), including but not limited to the use of wild food plants, plays a large role in sustainable natural resource management schemes, primarily due to …
Etnobotānika 5-6 gadīga bērna kultūras izpratnes sekmēšanai pirmsskolā
Darba teorētiskajā daļā tiek analizēti tradicionālo un lokālo ekoloģisko zināšanu un etnobotānikas jēdzieni, to mijsakarības ar kultūras izpratni, Tiek sniegts 5-6 gadīgu bērnu psiholoģiskais un fiziskais raksturojums pētāmās problēmas aspektā, raksturojot etnobotānikas zināšanu apguves īpatnības bērna vecumā tradicionālajās kultūrās un mūsdienās. Analizēti pieejamie etnobotānikas zināšanu avoti, to skaitā – mūsdienu lauka pētījumi un to izmantošanas iespējas pirmsskolas mācību procesā, akcentējot divas savvaļas augu sugas. Darba praktiskajā daļā, pamatojoties uz apgūto teoriju, veikts empīrisks pētījums par etnobotānikas zināšanu izmantošanu bērnu kultūras izpratnes sekmēšanai. Pētījuma re…