A. Santamaria
μ-e conversion in nuclei versus μ→e γ: an effective field theory point of view
Using an effective lagrangian description we analyze possible new physics contributions to the most relevant muon number violating processes: $\mu \to e \gamma$ and $\mu$--$e$ conversion in nuclei. We identify a general class of models in which those processes are generated at one loop level and in which $\mu$--$e$ conversion is enhanced with respect to $\mu \to e \gamma$ by a large $\ln(m^2_\mu/\Lambda^2),$ where $\Lambda$ is the scale responsible for the new physics. For this wide class of models bounds on $\mu$--$e$ conversion constrain the scale of new physics more stringently than $\mu \to e \gamma$ already at present and, with the expected improvements in $\mu$--$e$ conversion experim…
Can New Generations Explain Neutrino Masses?
In this talk we explore the possibility that the smallness of the observed neutrino masses is naturally understood in a modified version of the standard model with N extra generations of fermions and N right-handed neutrinos, in which light neutrino masses are generated at two loops. We find that with N = 1 it is not possible to fit the observed spectrum of masses and mixings while with N = 2 it is. Within this extension, we analyse the parameters which are allowed and the possible phenomenological signals of the model in future experiments. Contribution to the proceedings of Les Rencontres de Moriond EW 2011, Young Scientist Forum.
Hard m(t) corrections as a probe of the symmetry breaking sector
Non-decoupling effects related to a large $m_t$ affecting non-oblique radiative corrections in vertices ($Z\bar{b}b$) and boxes ($B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and $\epsilon_K$) are very sensitive to the particular mechanism of spontaneous symmetry breaking. We analyze these corrections in the framework of a chiral electroweak standard model and find that there is only one operator in the effective lagrangian which modifies the longitudinal part of the $W^+$ boson without touching the oblique corrections. The inclusion of this operator affects the $Z\bar{b}b$ vertex, the $B$-$\bar{B}$ mixing and the CP-violating parameter $\epsilon_K$, generating interesting correlations among the hard $m_t^4 \log m_…
Hyperchargeless triplet Majoron model.
We study the general conditions to maintain the scale of the lepton-number-breaking vacuum expectation value at the electroweak scale. It is shown that the only possibilities are if the main component of the resulting Majoron is a hyperchargeless complex triplet or a neutral singlet. Models with a hyperchargeless triplet, even though phenomenologically more interesting, seem to be very difficult to build because they like to break charge conservation. However, we have found a particular extension, by adding an additional neutral singlet, that solves this problem. The model can give a Majorana mass to the neutrinos in the eV range, ..mu -->..e..gamma.. can proceed with branching ratios at th…