Francisco Louzada
Contributed discussion on article by Pratola
The author should be commended for his outstanding contribution to the literature on Bayesian regression tree models. The author introduces three innovative sampling approaches which allow for efficient traversal of the model space. In this response, we add a fourth alternative.
Adaptive Population Importance Samplers: A General Perspective
Importance sampling (IS) is a well-known Monte Carlo method, widely used to approximate a distribution of interest using a random measure composed of a set of weighted samples generated from another proposal density. Since the performance of the algorithm depends on the mismatch between the target and the proposal densities, a set of proposals is often iteratively adapted in order to reduce the variance of the resulting estimator. In this paper, we review several well-known adaptive population importance samplers, providing a unified common framework and classifying them according to the nature of their estimation and adaptive procedures. Furthermore, we interpret the underlying motivation …