Joonas Mannonen
The potential of temporal analysis: Combining log data and lag sequential analysis to investigate temporal differences between scaffolded and non-scaffolded group inquiry-based learning processes
This paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about analysing the temporal aspects of learning processes in the educational technology research field. Our main aim was to advance methods for analysing temporal aspects of technology-enhanced learning (TEL) processes by introducing the temporal lag sequential analysis (TLSA) technique and by combining TLSA with temporal log data analysis (TLDA). Our secondary aim was to illustrate the potential of these two analysis techniques to reveal the differences between the face-to-face technology-enhanced collaborative inquiry-based learning (CIBL) processes of three different conditions (non-scaffolded, writing scaffolded and script scaffolded gro…
Understanding teaching professionals' digital competence : What do PIAAC and TALIS reveal about technology-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge?
In an ever-evolving technological landscape that challenges teaching professionals' digital competence, this study complements previous studies by providing an overall picture of teaching professionals' digital competence. We employed regression models on two large-scale assessment data sets on teachers from 11 countries—namely, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS; n = 50,800) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC; n = 2590)—to investigate through the theoretical lens of digital competence how teaching professionals' skills, attitudes and knowledge distribute and relate, and how they are associated with personal and contextual fact…
Miten aikuisten taidot ovat kehittyneet viime vuosikymmenellä : kansainvälisen aikuisten taitotutkimuksen (PIAAC) tiedonkeruu käynnistyi syksyllä 2022
Maija Lyly-Yrjänäinen ja Joonas Mannonen avaavat artikkelissaan OECD:n kansainvälisen aikuisten taitotutkimus PIAAC:n taustaa, toteutusta ja merkitystä. Tämän mittavan kansainvälisen tutkimuksen tiedonkeruu on alkanut kuluvana syksynä. Tutkimus on kunnianhimoinen ja Suomessa tiedonkeruun hintakin on noin 3,5 miljoonaa euroa. Tämä antaa tutkijoillemme pääsyn ainutlaatuiseen aineistoon ja kansainväliseen tutkijayhteisöön. ”Tutkimuksen tuottama aineisto tarjoaa tutkijoille valtavasti mahdollisuuksia selvittää koulutus-, työ- ja sosiaalipolitiikan ydinkysymyksiä aikuisten taitojen yhteyksistä koulutukseen, työelämään ja hyvinvointiin”, he toteavat. Basic skills have become increasingly importan…
Capturing cognitive load management during authentic virtual reality flight training with behavioural and physiological indicators
Background Cognitive load (CL) management is essential in safety-critical fields so that professionals can monitor and control their cognitive resources efficiently to perform and solve scenarios in a timely and safe manner, even in complex and unexpected circumstances. Thus, cognitive load theory (CLT) can be used to design virtual reality (VR) training programmes for professional learning in these fields. Objectives We studied CL management performance through behavioural indicators in authentic VR flight training and explored if and to what extent physiological data was associated with CL management performance. Methods The expert (n = 8) and novice pilots (n = 6) performed three approac…