Matti Taajamo
Ulkomaiset opiskelijat Suomessa : kokemuksia opiskelusta ja oppimisesta, elämästä ja erilaisuudesta
Understanding teaching professionals' digital competence : What do PIAAC and TALIS reveal about technology-related skills, attitudes, and knowledge?
In an ever-evolving technological landscape that challenges teaching professionals' digital competence, this study complements previous studies by providing an overall picture of teaching professionals' digital competence. We employed regression models on two large-scale assessment data sets on teachers from 11 countries—namely, the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS; n = 50,800) and the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC; n = 2590)—to investigate through the theoretical lens of digital competence how teaching professionals' skills, attitudes and knowledge distribute and relate, and how they are associated with personal and contextual fact…
Pedagoginen asiantuntijuus liikkeessä ja muutoksessa : huomisen haasteita
Erilaisuuden toisenlainen hahmotelma
Monikulttuurisuus ja moniammatillisuus ohjaus- ja neuvontatyössä
Co-sensing and co-shaping as shared and relational practices in bringing about relational leaders in higher education
AbstractThe aim of this article is to investigate how and what kinds of relational and shared practices were co-created within a multicultural team in a higher education collaborative learning environment. The students interacted while working towards the shared goal of co-constructing knowledge. The study provides insight into how student teams can actively build collaboration in learning spaces through manifesting relational leadership. Shared and relational practices refer broadly to all the knowledge, attitudes and skills that emerge from team interaction. A compound theoretical framework combining relational leadership and leadership trichotomy was adapted to study what particular fact…