Linda Krauze

Binocular function measures as predictors of user performance in stereoscopic augmented reality

Inconsistency between the binocular and focus cues in stereoscopic augmented reality overburdens the visual system leading to its stress. However, a high individual variability of tolerance for visual stress makes it difficult to predict and generalize the user gain associated with the implementation of alternative visualization technologies. In this study, we investigated the relationship between the binocular function and perceptual judgments in augmented reality. We assessed the task completion time and accuracy of perceptual distance matching depending on the consistency of binocular and focus cues in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality. The head-mounted display was driven…

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Papildu elementa ietekme uz ģeometrisku figūru formas uztveri

Maģistra darbs uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 48 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 16 attēlus, 4 tabulas un 72 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis ir, izmantojot acu kustību analīzi un dalībnieku anketēšanu, izvērtēt vizuālās informācijas grupēšanas un papildu elementa ietekmi uz ģeometrisku objektu formas uztveri. Dalībniekiem tika demonstrēti 18 dažādi stimuli, ko veidoja četrstūris bez papildu elementa un ar papildu elementu (apli) 3 dažādās pozīcijās un 3 attālumos. Dalībniekiem bija jānorāda, vai demonstrētais objekts tiek uztverts kā rombs vai kā kvadrāts (pirmā grupa), bet vai tikai jāapskata stimuli, lai iegūtu skata virziena parametrus (otrā grupa). Rezultāti parādīja, ka papildu elem…

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Skata virziena parametri divdomīgu ģeometrisku figūru analīzē

Bakalaura darbs uzrakstīts latviešu valodā uz 44 lapaspusēm. Tas satur 26 attēlus un 20 atsauces uz literatūras avotiem. Darba mērķis ir izvērtēt skata virziena parametrus vizuālās informācijas grupēšanas uzdevumos. Dalībniekiem tika demonstrēti 8 stimuli – kvadrāts, rombs un rombs ar papildus elementu pie tā virsotnes vai malas 3 dažādās pozīcijās. 1. daļā dalībnieki apskatīja tikai 1 stimulu, 2. daļā – visus stimulus, 3. daļā dalībnieki sniedza atbildes par demonstrētā objekta formu, 4. daļā dalībnieki sniedza atbildi, demonstrējot stimulus uz papīra. Rezultāti parādīja, ka bumbiņas novietojums un attālums no romba neparāda būtisku ietekmi uz dalībnieku formas uztveri. Bumbiņai atrodoties…

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Gaze Parameters in the Analysis of Ambiguous Geometric Shapes.

This study explores perceptual organisation and shape perception when viewing a tetragon and an additional element (a dot) that is located at varying positions and distances next to the tetragon. The aim of the study is to determine the factors that can alter the interpretation of object configuration and impact whether the presented tetragon is perceived as a diamond or a square. Methods used in this study are a forced-choice task as a subjective measurement and eye tracking as an objective measurement of perceptual processes. Overall, 31 stimuli were presented to the participants: a tetragon in two different sizes with an additional element (a dot) located inside or outside the object at…

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When virtual and real worlds coexist: Visualization and visual system affect spatial performance in augmented reality

New visualization approaches are being actively developed aiming to mitigate the effect of vergence-accommodation conflict in stereoscopic augmented reality; however, high interindividual variability in spatial performance makes it difficult to predict user gain. To address this issue, we investigated the effects of consistent and inconsistent binocular and focus cues on perceptual matching in the stereoscopic environment of augmented reality using a head-mounted display that was driven in multifocal and single focal plane modes. Participants matched the distance of a real object with images projected at three viewing distances, concordant with the display focal planes when driven in the mu…

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