E. C. Portale
Installazioni idrauliche nell’area sacra a Sud del tempio di Zeus Olympios ad Agrigento
This paper will test the relationship between water and cult in the southern part of the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios at Agrigento. The most singular feature of this area is a monumental pool, besides some cisterns, buildings and a small oikos temple. The sacred area was investigated during the 20th century by E. Gabrici and E. De Miro and was referred to a chthonian cult, without deepening the features and modalities of ritual activities. Besides, it was not considered at all as a part of the sanctuary of Zeus, depending on the late chronology assigned to the main buildings. After having defined the character of the context through an analysis of the architectural remains, the votive and rit…
Contenitori da trasporto
Edition of the excavations in the Gortina agora (1996-1997): examination of the transport containers
Antico e (è) contemporaneo. Prefazione
Introduction to the pubblication: the idea of the work was in fact that to reconnect objects, contexts and approaches to archeology e of contemporary art under the given common denominator from the belonging of the respective "types" of cultural assets to the contextualized heritage
Missione archeologica in Libia dell’Università degli Studi di Palermo; Nicola Bonacasa
The paper contains a brief survey of the activities and objectives of the Archaeological Mission of Palermo University in Libya and a profile of Nicola Bonacasa, who led the Mission for forty years (1976-2015).
Lo spazio sacro nella parte centro-occidentale della Collina dei templi: infrastrutturazione e contesto
A seguito delle ricerche idell’Università degli studi di Palermo, si propone una nuova lettura d’insieme dell’area sacra situata sul margine meridionale della città di Akragas, finora percepita sostanzialmente attraverso i templi monumentali più noti (Olympieion e cosiddetto Tempio di Ercole) ma in realtà frutto di una complessa sequela di interventi di infrastrutturazione e riconfigurazione monumentale, legati all’evoluzione socio-politica e alla crescita economico-materiale della città dal suo sorgere alla conquista romana. Following research by the University of Palermo, a new overview of the sacred area located on the southern edge of the city of Akragas is proposed, so far perceived su…
Le attività dell’Università di Palermo - Dipartimento Culture e Società
L'articolo illustra lo stato attuale e le strategie delle discipline archeologiche e delle ricerche presso l'Università di Palermo. The paper illustrates the current state and the strategies of the archaeological disciplines and researches in the University of Palermo.
Le sculture da Alesa
First publication of a group of ideal and iconic sculptures from the central area of Alesa, within the excavation edition of the agora, and of a Hellenistic sculpture from the main sanctuary
Spazi e attività economiche nell’architettura domestica della Sicilia greca: osservazioni sull’evidenza archeologica, a partire dal caso di Himera
While the functional analysis of houses is increasingly adopted, even in the archaeology of Sicily, as a tool useful for understanding the ancient way of life and the changing attitudes towards the ‘private’ space from the Early Archaic to Late Hellenistic times, it is mainly based on the architectural layout and on the physical characteristics of the buildings, or sometimes on a tiny selection of the findings. The possibility of analysing the activities concerned with production and commerce, and of appreciating the economic role of the domestic units, is consequently hardly limited. An useful case study is the town of Himera, due to the extension of the residential districts. So, a multif…
Il santuario di Zeus Olympios ad Agrigento: al di là del tempio monumentale
The paper aims to reassess the entire architectural and archaeological evidence of the southern part of the sanctuary of Zeus Olympios. This includes the oikos near the SE corner of the big temple (with two building phases dated respectively to the mid-6th century and to the first half of the 5th century), and the area with a large pool and two halls located to the south. This is equipped with a complex drainage system connected with two big cisterns. All these structures can now be referred to as a coherent building program carried out from 480 to 450 B.C. The monumentality of the buildings and infrastructures reflects a grandeur of the rituals that has not been previously addressed. Until…
Statue ritratto "ideali" a Gortina
The paper deals with the category of the “statua - rischen Idealporträts”, treating the few specimens until now recognizable within the large corpus of Roman sculptures collected in the city of Gortyn at Crete. A high-quality example of Hadrianic age was found by Prof. Antonino Di Vita, head of the large scale excavations in the site, during the 1988–1990 field season in the area NW of the “Praetorium”, adjoining the Caput aquae of the Roman aqueduct. Beside this spectacular find, two acephalous torsos of the “Diomedes” type are suitable to have been used for portrait statues, most probably for a couple of emperors. These latter are old surface finds in an area (W of the theatre near the Py…
Forme fittili agrigentine: per una rilettura della produzione artigianale di Akragas
The paper aims at analyzing the location and the range of production of the coroplasts’ workshops in ancient Akragas. While the amounts of figurines and reliefs belonging to several distinctive types, which were discovered during the excavations made in the ancient town especially in the sanctuaries, testify the success of the local workshops, a category of objects, the molds for figurines and relief decorations, is more revealing about the manufacturing districts and the repertoire at disposal of the craftsmen. Roughly 130 molds have been found till now at Agrigento. While some rather scattered pieces are not a proof of the presence of a workshop on the same spot (Porta I, ‘Punic Quarter’ …
Il santuario di Zeus Olympios nel quadro urbano dell’antica Akragas
The sanctuary of Zeus Olympios at Agrigento has been not perceived in its entirety till now. As a matter of fact, while the temple attracted the scholars’ interest, due to its outstanding features, the buildings surrounding it were referred to residential (W), military (S) and civic (“agora” E/NE) functions. Besides, a sacellum and a pool on the south-eastern side were attributed to the age of Timoleon, later than the main architectural phase. However, the new stratigraphical data allow us to refer all the structures in the southern area to a coherent building program carried out from 480 to 450 BC Starting from this evidence, the paper aims at redefining the whole context, putting it in ur…
Un contributo ‘palermitano’ al ciclo giulio-claudio di Centuripe
The Julio-Claudian portraits from Centuripe. A contribution from Palermo · The sculptural group of Julio-Claudian princes from Centuripe (en, Sicily) deserves an in-depth analysis after the recent works by R. Patané, who collected a lot of data and proposed a new interpretation of the whole context. Patané’s proposals are discussed starting from two pieces in the Regional Archaeological Museum “Antonino Salinas” at Palermo. A fragment of a cuirassed statue, discovered in the 19th century near the Chiesa del Crocifisso (that is, near the “Edificio degli Augustali”, at that time not yet discovered), is similar to several fragments belonging to three to six different statues of the Julio-Claud…
Le fortificazioni di Akragas: il settore presso la cosiddetta Porta Aurea
L’identificazione della porta ad mare ferens, ricordata da Livio per le vicende della conquista romana di Agrigento nel 211/0 a.C., ha costituito uno degli argomenti di maggior interesse per gli studiosi della topografia della città, in connessione con la localizzazione dell’agorà-foro e del non lontano tempio di Eracle/Ercole. Nel quindicennio scorso ha prevalso l’ipotesi, avanzata da G. Tripodi nel 2003, che la porta principale di collegamento con la costa sia da ubicare a Est (attuale giardino di Villa Aurea) e non già ad Ovest (sito della cosiddetta Porta Aurea) del Tempio A/ cosiddetto Tempio di Eracle; da ultimo, V. Caminneci e G. Cucchiara hanno invece rivalutato l’importanza anche d…
Iconografia votiva e performances rituali: qualche esempio dalla Sicilia greca
The paper aims at underlining the relationships between the iconography of terracotta figurines and the ritual practices. As case study the pinakes depicting a group of standing/playing and dancing maidens are treated, and the whole "votive system" to which they belong is analyzed.
Rilievo integrato per la conoscenza e documentazione del complesso termale dell'area archeologica di Tindari (ME)
The aim of this study is to survey the Roman baths integrated in the so-called Insula IV of the archaeological area of Tindari (ME) for a better understanding of the site and for its enhancement. It is a structure that represents one of the oldest and best preserved thermal buildings with retrograde path in Sicily. Taking into account the typological, structural and decorative peculiarities that characterize the site, it was necessary to operate through integrated digital survey methods (laser scanning and SFM), obtaining a 3D model which describes the building in its entirety. The thermal building was inserted in the first century AD in a residential block dating back to the Hellenistic pe…