Nathalie Cheviron


Soil biodiversity would represent about 25% of the species on Earth. It is threatened, and although it is essential for human activities, it remains largely unknown. The French National Soil Quality Monitoring Network (RMQS) has a significant impact in removing the grey areas through its programs on soil microorganisms, soil meso and macrofauna, meadow flora, truffles and more recently enzymatic activities. The first distribution maps of bacterial phyla on a national scale and of soil fauna on a regional scale (in Brittany) have been developed. For the white truffle, three new areas of presence have been identified in France. The habitats of the bacteria were also described for the first ti…

research product

A soil biodiversity survey coupled with the national soil quality monitoring network?

International audience; Despite its importance for human activities, soil biodiversity remains largely unknown and threatened. Aware of the need for large-scale monitoring, we studied the feasibility to add a soil biodiversity survey (RMBS-Biodiversity) to the already existing French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS). We worked with soil biodiversity experts to couple RMBS-Biodiversity with RMQS i.e. to choose soil taxons and functions, the methodologies and the sampling design. According to the experts, the sampling design of RMQS fits with a soil biodiversitysurvey. We propose sampling protocols for i) bacteria and fungi, ii) protists, iii) nematodes, iv) mesofauna (particularly spri…

research product

Adding a soil biodiversity monitoring to the French National Soil Quality Monitoring Network :the RMQS-Biodiversity

International audience

research product

How to add a biodiversity survey to an already existing national pedologic survey? Case study of the french soil quality monitoring network

International audience; Despite its importance for human activities, soil biodiversity remains largely unknown. This gap of knowledge is a strong limit for studies including it such as in the agricultural field. Particularly, in France, no large-scale monitoring of soil biodiversity exist for the moment except for microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). Aware to this need, with the support of OFB, we studied the feasibility to add a soil biodiversity survey (RMQS-Biodiversity) to the already existing French soil quality monitoring network (RMQS). It is a systemic monitoring based on a 16*16 km grid where the sampling is done on a plot at the center of the mesh, which could belong to different …

research product

Les indicateurs de l'état biologique des sols : Guide de sélection selon le type d’application et/ou la problématique

National audience

research product

Intérêt de la normalisation de méthodes pour la recherche publique et la société

research product

Agro-Eco Sol, un outil de diagnostic des fonctions du sol basé sur des bioindicateurs bioindicateurs - Structure et règles générales d’interprétation

research product

Démarche statistique pour la sélection des indicateurs par Random Forests pour la surveillance de la qualité des sols

The volume of data, and the large number of biological variables to be tested (one hundred), require analytical techniques, such asRandom Forests, which can overcome the problem of multi-colinearity for the selection of indicators, sensitive to various factors.Random Forests methodology is appropriate for the selection of the most discriminant variables. So, we searched for the best wayto select them, by bringing together all biological variables, representing the Microflora and Fauna. This approach focuses on impactindicators from the Bio2 program, indicators of flora and indicators of accumulation (snails) were not included.This work has been implemented on the three factors of discrimina…

research product

Soil bioindicators: how to select them in function of the site issues?

Soil bioindicators: how to select them in function of the site issues?. 13th International AquaConSoil Conference

research product

Ecotoxicological impact of pesticides on natural microbial communities responsible for pesticide biodegradation in river sediments

International audience; The general use of pesticides in various crops allows ensuring the quality of the crop production but has environmental impact, pesticide residues being often found in water resources, notably river in the agrosystems. As a result of repeated exposure to pesticides microorganisms can adapt to their degradation being responsible for enhanced degradation, an environmental friendly process diminishing the persistence of pesticide residues in the environment. This process can occur in the soil but also in the sediment of the river regularly exposed to pesticide contamination. To our best knowledge the ecotoxicological impact of multiple pesticides contamination on the de…

research product

Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contaminated soils. Results from the French national “Bioindicators Programme”

International audience; absent

research product

Développement d'indicateurs microbiens pour l'évaluation de l'impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres et aquatiques

National audience

research product

Dynamics of changes in the soil organic matter, functional diversity and C and N fluxes after shift in agricultural practices of an annual crops rotation under conventional agriculture

International audience; Introduction and objectives Agricultural practices (e.g. crop rotation, tillage) lead to profound changes in soil properties, ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) and functioning (e.g. ecosystem services). Whereas this has been very often characterized in the medium and long terms, little is known so far about how fast soil properties respond to changing practices at the time scale (year to several years) in which farmers take their decision in the management of their crops. In agricultural systems, increasing consideration is given to soil biodiversity, whose role has long been overlooked by agronomists, but whose preservation in now recognized as key for maintai…

research product

The RMQS-Biodiversity as a project of large-scale soil biodiversity monitoring in France

International audience

research product

Evaluation de l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres

Dans la cadre l’évaluation du risque environnemental menée pour obtenir l’autorisation de mise sur le marché, l’évaluation a prioride l’impact des pesticides sur les microorganismes du sol est estimée par deux tests OCDE mesurant la minéralisation de l’azote et du carbone. Ces deux tests globaux ne rendent pas compte des modifications potentielles d’abondance, de diversité et d’activité de la communauté microbienne des sols exposée aux pesticides. Dans ce contexte, le projet IMPEC visait à développer des indicateurs microbiens pour évaluer l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques supportées par la communauté microbienne. Cette présentation aura pour objectif de présenter une…

research product

AGRO-ECO SOL, un outil de diagnostic des fonctions du sol et de conseil basé sur des bioindicateurs - schéma général d’interprétation

research product

Les organismes du sol comme indicateurs du fonctionnement des sols en grandes cultures

International audience

research product

Application of soil bioindicators for risk assessment, monitoring and soil characterization in contamined soils. Results from the French national "Bioindicators Programme"

EA GenoSol IPM CT?; International audience

research product

Impact écotoxicologique de pesticides sur les communautés microbiennes naturelles responsables de la biodégradation de pesticides dans les sédiments de rivière

National audience; L’utilisation quasi généralisée de pesticides dans de nombreuses cultures permet d’assurer une certaine qualité de la production végétale mais elle a des conséquences environnementales causant la contamination des eaux de surface, notamment les rivières circulant dans les agrosystèmes. Suite à l’exposition répétée aux pesticides, une fraction de la microflore est capable de s’adapter pour les dégrader conduisant à la mise en place de la biodégradation accélérée, un processus intéressant du point de vue environnemental parce qu’il diminue la persistance des pesticides dans l’environnement. La biodégradation accélérée peut avoir lieu dans les sols mais également dans les sé…

research product

Développement d’indicateurs microbiens pour l’évaluation de l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres et aquatiques (acronyme : IMPEC)

Développement d’indicateurs microbiens pour l’évaluation de l’impact des pesticides sur des fonctions écosystémiques terrestres et aquatiques (acronyme : IMPEC)

research product

Agro-Eco Sol, un outil de diagnostic des fonctions du sol basé sur des bioindicateurs ; structure et règles générales d’interprétation

National audience

research product