M. Papapetrou
Techno-economic evaluation of Reverse Electrodialysis process in different real environments
Salinity Gradient Power is a promising renewable energy source based on the recovery of the chemical potential released from the mixing of solutions at different concentrations. Natural salinity gradients are extensively available worldwide in natural reservoirs. Reverse Electrodialysis is an innovative technology able to perform a direct conversion of the energy of mixing into electricity. Salinity gradients coming from natural resources or from human activities are worldwide available. In the present work a number of different scenarios, including natural resources (e.g. rivers, seas, lakes and salt ponds), industrial/urban wastes (e.g. brine and treated wastewaters) are analysed. The aim…
A novel Reverse Electrodialysis application to generate power from low-grade heat
A novel idea for the conversion of low-temperature heat into electricity is based on the generation of electricity from salinity gradients using a Reverse Electrodialysis (RED) device in a closed-loop system. In this concept a limited amount of artificial saline solutions can be used as the working fluids in a closed-loop. The solutions exiting from the RED unit are then regenerated, in order to restore the original salinity gradient, by means of a separation step, which uses low-temperature heat (40-100°C) as its energy source. A theoretical analysis of potentials of this technology is illustrated in the present work.
Renewable energy desalination: performance analysis and operating data of existing RES desalination plants
Abstract: During the last decades, several small autonomous brackish or seawater desalination units driven by renewable energy sources (RES) have been developed within EU and non-EU projects around the world. A significant number of these units were designed, developed, and operated by research centers/universities, in collaboration with companies working in the field of RES and desalination, in their own premises (laboratories) in order to investigate the reliability and performance of the technologies matching in small-scale and autonomous operations. Some systems were also developed for the supply of fresh water to remote areas, and particularly to cover the needs of small villages or co…
33rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 2870-2874