Martin Manscher

Microwave induced co-tunneling in single electron tunneling transistors

Abstract The influence of microwaves on the co-tunneling in single electron tunneling transistors has been investigated as function of frequency and power in the temperature range from 150 to 500 mK. All 20 low frequency connections and the RF line were filtered, and the whole cryostat was suspended on rubber bellows. Cross-talk was minimized by using individual coaxial lines between the sample and the room temperature electronics. The co-tunneling experiments were performed at zero DC bias current by measuring the voltage response to a very small amplitude 2 Hz current modulation with the gate voltage fixed at maximum Coulomb blockade. With the microwave signal applied to one side of the t…

research product

Experimental Investigation of Microwave Enhanced Cotunneling in SET Transistors

Cotunneling is an important error process in the application of single electron tunneling devices for metrological and electronic applications. Here we present an experimental investigation of the theory for adiabatic enhancement of cotunneling by coherent microwaves. The dependence is investigated as function of temperature, gate voltage, frequency, and applied microwave power. At low temperatures and applied power levels, the results are consistent with theory, using only the unknown damping in the microwave line as a free parameter. However, the results indicate that the effects of temperature, frequency and microwave power are not independent, contrary to what is suggested by theory.

research product