Viktors Gopejenko
Visualization of the Renewable Energy Resources
The methods of the renewable energy resources visualization are analysed in this work, the examples of the systems and possible architecture of the renewable energy monitoring systems of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered. Successful practices are analysed, the leading scientific organization in the field of green energy are considered, a comparative analysis of geographic information systems and data sources in the field of green energy is performed. Possible software architecture of the system based on 3M paradigm of geographic information system (multilayer views, multilayer architecture and multi-agent interaction) is considered.
Energy Consumption Management of the Automated Self-service Centre’s Storage Module: Models and Simulations
A Method of Three-Dimensional Visualization of Molecular Processes of Apoptosis
Apoptosis or programmed cell death plays an important role in many physiological states and diseases. Detection of apoptotic cells, tracing the development of apoptosis, drug development and regulation of apoptosis are an important parts of basic research in medicine. A large number of models have been developed that are based on the differential equations of the chemical kinetics, and can be expressed in a uniform notation using some XML-based languages, such as SBML and CellML. We describe the CellML and the simulation environment OpenCell herein. These tools can display models schematically and output results in the form of graphs showing time dependencies of component concentrations. Ho…