P. Victor
Analysis of a complex high-strain zone at Cap de Creus, Spain
Abstract The structural analysis of a high-strain zone developed in medium- to high-grade metamorphic micaschists from the Cap de Creus area, Spain provides an example of the complex relationships between geometry, strain and kinematics to be found in deep crustal shear zones. This high-strain zone is composed of E-W trending structural domains characterized by different strain intensities and associated with syntectonic emplacement of pegmatite dykes. The main phase of deformation discussed here, D2, affects steeply dipping bedding, boudinaged quartz veins and S1 developed parallel to bedding. D2 deformation of these features and of syn-D2 pegmatite dykes gives rise to fold/boudin structur…
The Foundation Seamount Chain: A first survey and sampling
The Foundation Seamounts form a 1400 km-long chain on the Pacific plate from 32 °S, 127 °W to the Pacific-Antarctic spreading axis at 38 °S, 111 °W. Previously only known from sparse single-beam echosoundings and satellite altimetry, we present here the first multibeam bathymetric survey and geological sampling results. We confirm that the submarine topography correlates with the altimetry, and that the chain is volcanic rather than tectonic or microcontinental in origin. The chain can be divided up morphologically and geochemically into three section: (1) west of 125 °W large flat-topped volcanoes composed of incompatible-element depleted lavas ( ≈ 1) of a near-ridge origin with little or …