Noetherian type in topological products
The cardinal invariant "Noetherian type" of a topological space $X$ (Nt(X)) was introduced by Peregudov in 1997 to deal with base properties that were studied by the Russian School as early as 1976. We study its behavior in products and box-products of topological spaces. We prove in Section 2: 1) There are spaces $X$ and $Y$ such that $Nt(X \times Y) < \min\{Nt(X), Nt(Y)\}$. 2) In several classes of compact spaces, the Noetherian type is preserved by the operations of forming a square and of passing to a dense subspace. The Noetherian type of the Cantor Cube of weight $\aleph_\omega$ with the countable box topology, $(2^{\aleph_\omega})_\delta$, is shown in Section 3 to be closely related …