Carlos Colmena
Functions of Astrocytes under Normal Conditions and after a Brain Disease
In the central nervous system (CNS) there are a greater number of glial cells than neurons (between five and ten times more). Furthermore, they have a greater number of functions (more than eight functions). Glia comprises different types of cells, those of neural origin (astrocytes, radial glia, and oligodendroglia) and differentiated blood monocytes (microglia). During ontogeny, neurons develop earlier (at fetal day 15 in the rat) and astrocytes develop later (at fetal day 21 in the rat), which could indicate their important and crucial role in the CNS. Analysis of the phylogeny reveals that reptiles have a lower number of astrocytes compared to neurons and in humans this is reversed, as …
Protective Effects of Foam Rolling against Inflammation and Notexin Induced Muscle Damage in Rats
It is known that high-intensity exercise can cause inflammation and damage in muscle tissue, and in recent years, physical therapists and fitness professionals have begun to use foam rolling as a recovery method to improve performance. Despite the lack of basic science studies to support or refute the efficacy of foam rolling, the technique is very widely used in the sports world. In this respect, we investigated whether foam rolling could attenuate muscle damage and inflammation. Female Wistar rats were assigned to control (C), foam rolling (FR), notexin without foam rolling (N) and notexin with foam rolling (NFR) groups. A 4.5 x 2 cm foam roller was used to massage their hind legs (two 60…
New Technique in Tendon Sport Recovery. Percutaneous Electrolysis Intratissue (EPI®)
Based on the literature and clinical experience we know that the technique of percutaneous electrolysis intratissue (EPI ® ) has positive effects on the recovery of human tendinopathies. The application of the technique, together with the completion of eccentric exercise, give benefits leading to anatomical and functional recovery in the tendon that can be appreciated by ultrasound using the scale of "Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-patellar tendon" (VISA-P). Due to clinical knowledge, damage to tendon is accompanied by increase in oxidative stress, cell death and inflammation at the damaged area. The EPI ® technique produced a galvanic current inside the tendon, with an acupuncture…
Facilitation of Insulin Effects by Ranolazine in Astrocytes in Primary Culture
Ranolazine (Rn) is a drug used to treat persistent chronic coronary ischemia. It has also been shown to have therapeutic benefits on the central nervous system and an anti-diabetic effect by lowering blood glucose levels and however, no effects of Rn on cellular sensitivity to insulin (Ins) have been demonstrated yet. The present study aimed to investigate the permissive effects of Rn on the actions of Ins in astrocytes in primary culture. Ins at 10-8 M, Rn (10-6 M) and Ins+Rn (10-8 M and 10−6 M respectively) were added to astrocytes during 24 h. In comparison to control cells, Rn and/or Ins caused modifications in cell viability and proliferation. p-AKT, p-ERK, p-eNOS, Mn-SOD, COX-2, and t…