Oscar Caballero
Functions of Astrocytes under Normal Conditions and after a Brain Disease
In the central nervous system (CNS) there are a greater number of glial cells than neurons (between five and ten times more). Furthermore, they have a greater number of functions (more than eight functions). Glia comprises different types of cells, those of neural origin (astrocytes, radial glia, and oligodendroglia) and differentiated blood monocytes (microglia). During ontogeny, neurons develop earlier (at fetal day 15 in the rat) and astrocytes develop later (at fetal day 21 in the rat), which could indicate their important and crucial role in the CNS. Analysis of the phylogeny reveals that reptiles have a lower number of astrocytes compared to neurons and in humans this is reversed, as …
Valoración patrimonial de los yacimientos del Mioceno inferior del Barranco de Campisano de la Cuenca de Ribesalbes-Alcora (Araia d'Alcora, Castelló, España)
En el presente trabajo se realiza una valoración patrimonial del conjunto de yacimientos del Mioceno inferior del barranco de Campisano (cuenca de Ribesalbes-Alcora). Los resultados obtenidos al calcular los parámetros según la metodología del Inventario Español de Lugares de Interés Geológico (IELIG) ponen de manifi esto el alto valor científi co y didáctico de la zona, así como un valor turístico y recreativo medio. El riesgo de degradación es medio, por lo que debería ser tenido en cuenta para la protección de los yacimientos a corto plazo. En consonancia con estos datos, se propone la consideración de los yacimientos como LIG (Lugar de Interés Geológico) y su inclusión en el IELIG. In t…
Multimodality 3-dimensional volumetric ultrasound in obstetrics and gynecology with an emphasis in HDlive technique.
HDlive (high-definition live or real-time US), a new ultrasound software, combines a movable virtual adjustable light source in a software that calculates the proportion of light reflecting through surface structures, depending on light direction. The light source can be manually positioned to illuminate the desired area of interest. The ultrasound technician can control light intensity to create shadows that enhance image quality. HDlive is an innovation that will render even more realistic images of fetal anatomy and of gynecologic lesions. The full potential of this new technology is yet to be determined and deserves scientific evaluation.