Einar K. Rofstad
Comparative imaging of structure and metabolites in tumours.
A novel technique for metabolic imaging using quantitative bioluminescence and single photon imaging was used to measure the distribution of ATP and lactate in two types of human melanoma xenografts with different radiobiologically hypoxic cell fractions (MF: 45 +/- 17% and EE: 6 +/- 3%; mean +/- SD). The tumours were s.c. grown in nude mice and were used for measurement at volumes of 153-3072 mm3. For metabolic imaging the rapidly frozen tumours were serially sectioned, and each cryosection was brought into contact with a frozen bioluminescent enzyme cocktail using a specially designed glass sandwich system. After thawing section and cocktail the luminescence was started, and light was emi…
The Microenvironment of Cervical Carcinoma Xenografts: Associations with Lymph Node Metastasis and Its Assessment by DCE-MRI.
Poor disease-free and overall survival rates in locally advanced cervical cancer are associated with a tumor micro-environment characterized by extensive hypoxia, interstitial hypertension, and high lactate concentrations. The potential of gadolinium diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid-based dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) in assessing the microenvironment and microenvironment-associated aggressiveness of cervical carcinomas was investigated in this preclinical study. CK-160 and TS-415 cervical carcinoma xenografts were used as tumor models. DCE-MRI was carried out at 1.5 T, and parametric images of K (trans) and v e were produced by pharmacokinetic analysis o…
Growth rates or radiobiological hypoxia are not correlated with local metabolite content in human melanoma xenografts with similar vascular network.
Investigations were carried out on two lines of human melanomas (MF; n = 12 and EE; n = 13) xenografted in nude mice. The tumours were characterised by a similar vascular supply but showed a pronounced difference in the rate of volume growth and in the radiobiologically hypoxic fraction. The distribution of ATP, glucose and lactate in the tumours was investigated using quantitative bioluminescence and single photon imaging. Concentrations of the metabolites were obtained as global values for the entire tumour mass, in regions with densely packed, structurally intact tumour cells ('viable zones'), in areas with necrosis, stromal cells and fibrous material ('necrotic zones') and in adjacent n…