F. Fernandez
Fragmentation of accelerated 2.1 GeV/nucleon12C,14N and16O Ions in nuclear emulsion
The inelastic-interaction mean free path and fragmentation parameters in nuclear emulsion of accelerated 2.1 GeV/nucleon12C,14N and16O have been determined. The discrimination of the targets has been achieved with a new method. The global results obtained for the three ions have been compared with theM-group of the cosmic radiation.
A consistent study of the the low energy baryon spectrum and the nucleon-nucleon interaction within the chiral quark model
By solving the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for the three-quark system in the hyperspherical harmonic approach, we have studied the low energy part of the nucleon and $\Delta$ spectra using a quark-quark interaction which reproduces the nucleon-nucleon phenomenology. The quark-quark hamiltonian considered includes, besides the usual one-gluon exchange, pion and sigma exchanges generated by the chiral symmetry breaking. The baryonic spectrum obtained is reasonable and the resulting wave function gives consistency to the ansatz used in the two baryon system.
The impact of conversion on the risk of major complication following laparoscopic colonic surgery: an international, multicentre prospective audit.
BACKGROUND: Laparoscopy has now been implemented as a standard of care for elective colonic resection around the world. During the adoption period, studies showed that conversion may be detrimental to patients, with poorer outcomes than both laparoscopic completed or planned open surgery. The primary aim of this study was to determine whether laparoscopic conversion was associated with a higher major complication rate than planned open surgery in contemporary, international practice.METHODS: Combined analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology 2017 and 2015 audits. Patients were included if they underwent elective resection of a colonic segment from the caecum to the rectosigmoid jun…
Effectiveness of a new nanostructured consolidant on the biocalcarenite from Agrigento Temples Valley.
A study of the effectiveness of a crack-free consolidant nanomaterial and a nanostructured consolidant with hydrophobic properties, developed in University of Cadiz was carried out for a biocalcareous stone from Agrigento (Italy). The products were obtained by a silica oligomer in presence of a surfactant and, in the hydrophobic product,with the addition of PDMS. The purposes of the research were increasing hydrophobicity and consolidation of the stone. The tests effectuated demonstrated the desired characteristics improved.
Fast and compact data acquisition for gas-filled detectors with delay line
This article describes the functionality, implementation and performance of a PCI data acquisition board that can be used in conjunction with gas-filled detectors with delay line readout. The board combines a large on-board 256-MByte histogramming memory with a maximum 10-MHz count rate in continuous operation and integrates the time frame generation, histogram building and buffering functionalities in a single PCI board, resulting in a fast, compact and cost-effective data acquisition solution for the Spanish beamline BM16 at ESRF.
Evaluating the incidence of pathological complete response in current international rectal cancer practice: the barriers to widespread safe deferral of surgery
INTRODUCTION: The mainstay of management for locally advanced rectal cancer is chemoradiotherapy followed by surgical resection. Following chemoradiotherapy, a complete response may be detected clinically and radiologically (cCR) prior to surgery or pathologically after surgery (pCR). We aim to report the overall complete pathological response (pCR) rate and the reliability of detecting a cCR by conventional pre-operative imaging.METHODS: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) 2017 audit was performed. Patients treated by elective rectal resection were included. A pCR was defined as a ypT0 N0 EMVI negative primary tumour; a partial response represented any r…
An international multicentre prospective audit of elective rectal cancer surgery; operative approach versus outcome, including transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME)
Introduction: Transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) has rapidly emerged as a novel approach for rectal cancer surgery. Safety profiles are still emerging and more comparative data is urgently needed. This study aimed to compare indications and short-term outcomes of TaTME, open, laparoscopic, and robotic TME internationally. Methods: A pre-planned analysis of the European Society of Coloproctology (ESCP) 2017 audit was performed. Patients undergoing elective total mesorectal excision (TME) for malignancy between 1 January 2017 and 15 March 2017 by any operative approach were included. The primary outcome measure was anastomotic leak. Results: Of 2579 included patients, 76.2% (1966/257…
This study focused on the battlements of the Tower of Palazzo Alliata Pietratagliata in Palermo, which is one of the most important examples of late medieval civil architecture in Sicily. The battlements are made by biocalcarenite and currently affected by a strong desegregation. In order to first characterize the stone some tests have been carried out on small samples collected in situ: chemical and morphological analysis through X-ray diffractometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), optical polarized light microscopy (PLM), determination of total soluble salt content by measuring the conductivity and dosage of the anions and determination of the dimensional distribution of the pores. T…