F Martinez-vidal
B* production in Z decays
The decay B*→Bγ has been observed with the DELPHI detector at LEP, where the B* meson is produced in Z boson decays. The combination of inclusively reconstructed B mesons with well-measured converted photons yields a measurement of the flavour-averaged B*-B mass difference of 45.5±0.3 (stat.) ±0.8 (syst.) MeV/c2. 95% confidence level upper limits at 6 MeV/c2 are placed on both the isospin (i.e. B+-B0) and the Bs-Bud splitting of the mass difference. The production ratio of B* to B mesons in Z decays is measured to be 0.72±0.03 (stat.) ±0.06 (syst.). Limits on the production cross-section of other hypothetical excited B hadron states decaying radiatively are established. The differential B* …
Measurement of Semileptonic B Decays into Orbitally Excited Charmed Mesons
We present a study of B decays into semileptonic final states containing charged and neutral D-1(2420) and D-2*(2460). The analysis is based on a data sample of 208 fb(-1) collected at the Y(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy B factory at SLAC. With a simultaneous fit to four different decay chains, the semileptonic branching fractions are extracted from measurements of the mass difference Delta m = m(D**) - m(D) distribution. Product branching fractions are determined to be B(B+ -> D(1)(0)l(+)nu(l)) x B(D-1(0) -> D*+pi(-)) = (2.97 +/- 0.17 +/- 0.17) x 10(-3), B(B+ -> D-2*l(+)nu(e)) x B(D-2*(0) -> D(*)+pi(-)) = (2.29 +/- 0.23 +/- 0.21) x 10(-3), B(B-0 -> D…
Rates, polarizations, and asymmetries in charmless vector-vector B meson decays
With a sample of approximately 89 million BBbar pairs collected with the BABAR detector, we perform a search for B meson decays into pairs of charmless vector mesons (phi, rho, and K*). We measure the branching fractions, determine the degree of longitudinal polarization, and search for CP violation asymmetries in the processes B->phiK*+, B->phiK*0, B->rho0K*+, and B->rho0rho+. We also set an upper limit on the branching fraction for the decay B->rho0rho0.
Search for a muonic dark force at BaBar
Many models of physics beyond the Standard Model predict the existence of new Abelian forces with new gauge bosons mediating interactions between "dark sectors" and the Standard Model. We report a search for a dark boson Z' coupling only to the second and third generations of leptons in the reaction e+e- -> mu+mu- Z', Z' -> mu+mu- using 514 fb-1 of data collected by the BABAR experiment. No significant signal is observed for Z' masses in the range 0.212 - 10 GeV. Limits on the coupling parameter g' as low as 7x10^-4 are derived, leading to improvements in the bounds compared to those previously derived from neutrino experiments.
Photon events with missing energy at root s=183 to 189 GeV
The production of single photons has been studied in the reaction e+e- -> gamma + invisible particles at centre-of-mass energies of 183 GeV and 189 GeV. A previously published analysis of events with multi-photon final states accompanied by missing energy has been updated with 189 GeV data. The data were collected with the DELPHI detector and correspond to integrated luminosities of about 51 pb^{-1} and 158 pb^{-1} at the two energies. The number of light neutrino families is measured to be 2.84 +/- 0.15(stat) +/- 0.14(syst). The absence of an excess of events beyond that expected from Standard Model processes is used to set limits on new physics as described by supersymmetric and compos…
The Scale Dependence of the Hadron Multiplicity in Quark and Gluon Jets and a Precise Determination of $C_{A}/C_{F}$
\frac{C_A}{C_F} = 2.246 \pm 0.062~(stat.) \pm 0.080~(syst.) \pm 0.095~(theo.) Data collected at the Z resonance using the DELPHI detector at LEP are used to determine the charged hadron multiplicity in gluon and quark jets as a function of a transverse momentum-like scale. The colour factor ratio, \cacf, is directly observed in the increase of multiplicities with that scale. The smaller than expected multiplicity ratio in gluon to quark jets is understood by differences in the hadronization of the leading quark or gluon. From the dependence of the charged hadron multiplicity on the opening angle in symmetric three-jet events the colour factor ratio is measured to be: C_A/C_F = 2.246 \pm 0.0…
Measurement of the charged particle multiplicity of weakly decaying B hadrons
From the Z decays recorded in 1994 and 1995 by the DELPHI detector at LEP, the charged particle multiplicity of weakly decaying B hadrons was measured to be: 4.97 +/- 0.03 +/- 0.06 excluding the K-o and Lambda decay products. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Multiplicity fluctuations in one- And two-dimensional angular intervals compared with analytic QCD calculations
Multiplicity fluctuations in rings around the jet axis and in off-axis cones have been measured by the DELPHI collaboration in $e^+e^-$ annihilations into hadrons at LEP energies. The measurements are compared with analytical perturbative QCD calculations for the corresponding multiparton system, using the concept of Local Parton Hadron Duality. Some qualitative features are confirmed by the data but substantial quantitative deviations are observed.