M. Massari
Pegylated interferon α plus ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: A multicentre independent study supported by the Italian Drug Agency
a b s t r a c t Background: Data on the efficacy of Peg-interferon/ribavirin therapy for chronic hepatitis C are mostly derived from treatment of selected patients enrolled in clinical trials. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of Peg-interferon/ribavirin therapy in “real world” chronic hepatitis C patients in Italy. Methods: Independent observational multicentre study including consecutive patients receiving Peginterferon/ribavirin in the 18 months before (retrospective phase) and after (prospective phase) the start of the study. Results: 4176 patients were eligible. The final study population consisted of 2051 patients in the retrospective and 2073 in the prospective phase. Sust…
Un’opportunità per Lampedusa: studio di un eco-quartiere turistico per la riattivazione dell’isola
In un momento storico in cui ogni territorio, soprattutto se fragile o marginale, è sottoposto a pressioni che solo cinquanta anni fa erano inimmaginabili, ci si deve muovere nell’intento di gestire la realtà odierna e offrire un nuovo scenario sapientemente costruito tra tutela e innovazione. Una strategia centrata sul corretto riuso del patrimonio edilizio radicato e la riqualificazione e valorizzazione degli spazi pubblici deve svilupparsi in un quadro di ricucitura dell’esistente che tenga conto non solo delle componenti fisiche e spaziali ma anche culturali, storiche e delle tradizioni locali. I resti di un trascorso complesso, gli elementi che ancora non sono scomparsi per sempre devo…
Undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment-week 8 results in high-sustained virological response in HCV G1 treatment-experienced patients with advanced liver disease: The International Italian/Spanish Boceprevir/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Name Patients Program
In many countries, first-generation protease inhibitors (PIs)/peginterferon/ribavirin (P/R) still represent the only treatment option for HCV-infected patients. Subjects with advanced disease and previous failure to P/R urgently need therapy, but they are under-represented in clinical trials. All treatment-experienced F3/4 Metavir patients who received boceprevir (BOC)+P/R in the Italian-Spanish Name Patient Program have been included in this study. Multivariate logistic regression analysis (MLR) was used to identify baseline and on-treatment predictors of SVR and adverse events (AEs). Four hundred and sixteen patients, mean age 57.7 (range 25-78 years), 70% males, 69.5% (289/416) F4, 14% (…
La violenza delle mafie
Nell’ambito delle attività promosse dal progetto STAR-Linea 1 The use of violence and organized crime. A socio-economic analysis of Camorra clans in Campania, «Meridiana» ha organizzato una tavola rotonda sul tema della violenza delle mafie che si è tenuta il 9 novembre 2017 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche dell’Università di Napoli Federico II durante i due giorni del Convegno finale di presentazione dei risultati del progetto. Alla tavola rotonda, coordinata da Monica Massari, hanno partecipato studiosi e studiose del fenomeno mafioso di diverse generazioni e ambiti disciplinari, presenti in quei giorni a Napoli per partecipare al Convegno. Nelle pagine che seguono si riportano…
Background and Aims: To maximize cost/efficay of boceprevirbased triple therapy (BOC) in patients with HCV-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis. Methods: ITT SVR12, safety and futility rules value were evaluated in the multicenter national Italian and Spanish early access Name- Patient-Program which includes treatment-experienced patients with HCVG1-related advanced fibrosis/cirrhosis (Metavir F3/4) treated with BOC in both countries. Results: 402 patients (mean age 55 years; range 22–75), 316 (78.6%) G1b, 255 (63.4%) F4, 60 (30.9%) with oesophageal varices, 137 (34.1%) relapsers, 95 (23.6%) partial and 168 (41.8%) null responders were enrolled. Platelets count <100,000 and albumin levels <3…
Economic Consequences of Investing in Anti-HCV Antiviral Treatment from the Italian NHS Perspective: A Real-World-Based Analysis of PITER Data
OBJECTIVE:\ud We estimated the cost consequence of Italian National Health System (NHS) investment in direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy according to hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment access policies in Italy.\ud \ud METHODS:\ud A multistate, 20-year time horizon Markov model of HCV liver disease progression was developed. Fibrosis stage, age and genotype distributions were derived from the Italian Platform for the Study of Viral Hepatitis Therapies (PITER) cohort. The treatment efficacy, disease progression probabilities and direct costs in each health state were obtained from the literature. The break-even point in time (BPT) was defined as the period of time required for the cumulativ…