Anniina Ala-kitula

Identifying opportunities for AI applications in healthcare — Renewing the national healthcare and social services

A vast variety of artificial intelligence techniques have been deployed to specific healthcare problems during the last thirty years with varying levels of success while there is a shortage of systematic matching of AI capabilities with the breadth of application opportunities. In this paper, we describe the process of identifying opportunities for deploying artificial intelligence to healthcare and social services on regional and national levels in Finland. The project involved a large number of stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds ranging from governmental agencies to entrepreneurs. The process described includes idea generation of an application or solution and its elaboration in w…

research product

Tekoälyn soveltaminen terveydenhuollossa ja hyvinvoinnissa

research product

Physical activity on days with and without soccer practice in 12-13-year-old boys

Introduction: Majority of children are unable to meet the recommended 60min of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA). Even participation into organized sport may not guarantee that recommended amount of activity is reached. Objectives: Purpose of this study was to examine the amount and intensity of physical activity (PA) on days with and without practices and to find out whether daytime PA preceding soccer practice is associated with certain practice-time PA intensity level. Methods: Daily light, moderate and vigorous PA of 18 boys between 12 and 13 years of age engaged in soccer was measured for 9 days with and without soccer practices with wrist-worn Polar A300 activity met…

research product

Developing Solutions For Healthcare : Deploying Artificial Intelligence to an Evolving Target

—The pace of deploying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to healthcare has been speeding up. Many of the initiatives have been technology driven aiming at finding problems matching the new technology while systematic, demand driven search for solutions has been limited. Here we describe the process of identifying opportunities for deploying artificial intelligence to healthcare and social services on regional and national levels in Finland. The process includes idea generation and elaboration using a design thinking method complemented with architectural design for identifying required AI capabilities for the 34 best use cases. In this paper, we focus on the development of use case “M…

research product

Daily physical activity and physical activity in soccer practice with children

Päivittäisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrässä ja intensiteetissä on eroja ihmisten välillä. Suurin osa fyysisestä aktiivisuudesta tapahtuu vapaa-ajalla, lapsilla koulupäivän ulkopuolella. Liikuntasuositukset ohjeistavat riittävästä päivittäisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrästä ja laadusta. Yhä useammat lapset eivät saavuta näitä suosituksia ja jako aktiivisiin ja vähemmän aktiivisiin lapsiin on tullut entistä selkeämmäksi. Osallistumista ohjattuun liikuntaan on pidetty yhtenä ratkaisuna lisätä lasten päivittäisen fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrää. Tutkimukset kuitenkin ovat osoittaneet, ettei järjestettyyn liikuntaan osallistuminen kasvata lasten kokonaisaktiivisuutta. Saman päivän aikana tapahtu…

research product