Elisabeth Zetterholm
Olika fonetiska drags relativa betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet i svenska
I den här undersökningen analyseras olika fonetiska drags betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet i sverigesvenska som andraspråk. Lyssnarna (n = 39) bedömde uttalets målspråklighet i imiterade talprov. Resultaten visar att de segmentella målspråksavvikelserna hade störst betydelse för upplevd inföddlikhet. Målspråksavvikelserna i yttrandeintonation, rytm och tonaccenterna påverkade inte lyssnarna i samma utsträckning som de segmentella bristerna. Prov med L2-intonation och målspråkliga segment fick lika bra bedömning – på gränsen mellan uppfattbar och icke-uppfattbar brytning – som prov med målspråklig intonation och målspråkliga segment. Om segmenten var målspråkliga, fick prov med L2-aktig ry…
Förståelighetsperspektiv på finlandssvenskars vanliga uttalsdrag i engelska
The present investigation addresses the gravity of mispronunciation for the intelligibility of English spoken by L1 Finland-Swedish teenagers. Previous research on the topic has been scarce, and even though there is some knowledge about the typical pronunciation challenges faced by this learner group, there is hardly any empirical research on the extent to which the typical mispronunciations actually cause misunderstandings. To investigate this, speech samples were elicited from teenaged L1 Finland-Swedish learners of English, demonstrating typical mispronunciations. Then, an intelligibility test was arranged with L1 English listeners (n = 48) matching the speakers’ age. Results suggest tha…
The impact of a short auditory training on L2 pronunciation in languages with different orthographic depth
It is sometimes assumed that the pronunciation of an L2 is more predictable and thus easier to learn if its orthography is transparent. This study aims to find out whether this assumption holds true in the first stages of L2 learning in languages with different orthographic depth. The study also examines the effect that a short auditory training (supported by simultaneous orthographic input) has on L2 pronunciation. A central finding was that the pronunciation of an L2 with a transparent orthography was not easier to learn for a naïve learner when compared to an L2 with an opaque orthography. A second finding was that even a short period of auditory training can introduce a significant impr…