Roberto Ronchetti

Nasal Cellularity in 183 Unselected Schoolchildren Aged 9 to 11 Years

Objective. Although rhinitis is extremely frequent in children, methods for assessing the severity of nasal inflammation produce results with wide variability and hence weak clinical significance. We designed this epidemiologic investigation to define the clinical usefulness of assessing nasal cellularity in children. Methods. We studied 183 of 203 eligible unselected schoolchildren who were aged 9 to 11 years and whose parents gave informed consent and completed a questionnaire on the history of atopic and respiratory symptoms. In all children, nasal swabs were obtained from both nostrils and eluted in saline and slides were prepared from cytospin preparations for staining and white cell c…

research product

Association of asthma with extra-respiratory symptoms in schoolchildren: two cross-sectional studies 6 years apart

Epidemiological information on symptoms affecting extra-respiratory organs and apparatuses in asthmatic children is scarce. The aim of this study therefore was to evaluate, at a population level, if and what extra-respiratory symptoms are associated with asthma. Two questionnaire-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out on 1,262 students (651 males; mean age 9.57 years, age-range 6-14 years) in 1992 and on 1,210 students (639 males; mean age 9.02 years, age-range 6-14 years) in 1998, from two elementary and two junior high schools in Rome, Italy. Questionnaires included queries about asthma and its risk factors and extra-respiratory symptoms (headache, restlessness, sleep disturbance…

research product