Kabir Malkani
Exercise training intensity and connexin 43 expression in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
• Moderate-intensity exercise improved peak oxygen consumption in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Modulation of Heart Rate by Acute or Chronic Aerobic Exercise. Potential Effects on Blood Pressure Control.
It was initially assumed that heart rate and arterial blood pressure were modulated by normal respiration and muscle contraction. The arterial baroreflex, an inverse relationship between blood pressure and heart rate, was later reported. Nonetheless, it was then assumed that those responses involved vagal modulation. We summarize available evidence on the modulation of heart rate by acute or chronic aerobic exercise as well as its potential implications on blood pressure (BP) control. Numerous studies have tried to clarify whether aerobic exercise modifies neurally-mediated vasoconstriction, but they report contradictory results. In view of these incongruities, the aim of this narrative rev…