Edward K. Sarkisyan-grinbaum
Searching for hidden sectors in multiparticle production at the LHC
Most signatures of new physics in colliders have been studied so far on the transverse plane with respect to the beam direction. In this work however we study the impact of a hidden sector beyond the Standard Model (SM) on inclusive (pseudo)rapidity correlations and moments of the multiplicity distributions, with special emphasis in the LHC results.
Limits on neutrino Lorentz violation from multimessenger observations of TXS 0506+056
The observation by the IceCube Collaboration of a high-energy ($E \gtrsim 200$ TeV) neutrino from the direction of the blazar TXS 0506+056 and the coincident observations of enhanced $\gamma$-ray emissions from the same object by MAGIC and other experiments can be used to set stringent constraints on Lorentz violation in the propagation of neutrinos that is linear in the neutrino energy: $\Delta v = - E/M_1$, where $\Delta v$ is the deviation from the velocity of light, and $M_1$ is an unknown high energy scale to be constrained by experiment. Allowing for a difference in neutrino and photon propagation times of $\sim 10$ days, we find that $M_1 \gtrsim 3 \times 10^{16}$ GeV. This improves …
Robust constraint on Lorentz violation using Fermi-LAT gamma-ray burst data
Models of quantum gravity suggest that the vacuum should be regarded as a medium with quantum structure that may have non-trivial effects on photon propagation, including the violation of Lorentz invariance. Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) observations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are sensitive probes of Lorentz invariance, via studies of energy-dependent timing shifts in their rapidly-varying photon emissions. In this paper we analyze the Fermi-LAT measurements of high-energy gamma rays from GRBs with known redshifts, allowing for the possibility of energy-dependent variations in emission times at the sources as well as a possible non-trivial refractive index in vacuo for photons. We use st…
Searching for new physics with three-particle correlations in pp collisions at the LHC
New phenomena involving pseudorapidity and azimuthal correlations among final state particles in $pp$ collisions at the LHC can hint at the existence of hidden sectors beyond the Standard Model. In this paper we rely on a correlated-cluster picture of multiparticle production, which was shown to account for the ridge effect, to assess the effect of a hidden sector on three-particle correlations concluding that there is a potential signature of new physics that can be directly tested by experiments using well-known techniques.
Searching for a hidden sector in multiparticle production at LHC
A hidden sector beyond the Standard Model can show up in multiparticle production altering inclusive correlations and factorial cumulants of multiplicity distributions. In this report such a study is advocated with a special emphasis on the searches at LHC.
Cosmological analogies in the search for new physics in high-energy collisions
In this paper, analogies between multiparticle production in high-energy collisions and the time evolution of the early universe are discussed. A common explanation is put forward under the assumption of an unconventional early state: a rapidly expanding universe before recombination (last scattering surface), followed by the CMB, later evolving up to present days, versus the formation of hidden/dark states in hadronic collisions followed by a conventional QCD parton shower yielding final-state particles. In particular, long-range angular correlations are considered pointing out deep connections between the two physical cases potentially useful for the discovery of new physics.