Irina Burchard Erdvik

Development of basic psychological need satisfaction in physical education

Research shows that sports-active students experience more basic need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness) in physical education (PE) than their non-sports-active peers, and thus, reap most of the benefits of PE. This study aimed to investigate the role of a two-year PE programme, referred to as Interest-based PE, in contributing to students’ basic need satisfaction in PE, and in particular, to assess potential basic needs-benefits among students who were not involved in leisure-time sport. Among 693 students, 348 were offered a choice of two different PE approaches (“explorative” vs. “sports” approach) for the next two years, while the remaining students continued to receive tr…

research product

Students' self-determined motivation in physical education and intention to be physically active after graduation : the role of perceived competence and identity

Purpose: This study examined whether high school students' degree of self-determined motivation in school physical education predicted their intentions to be physically active after graduation, and whether perceived physical competence and physical activity identity mediated this hypothesized cross-sectional relationship. Additionally, the possibility of conditional effects of gender on these associations was considered. Method: A cross sectional study involving 1650 high-school students allowed for the examination of indirect effects using a bias-corrected bootstrapping technique. Results: Results showed that self-determination in PE may positively affect adolescents' intentions to be phys…

research product

The temporal relations of adolescents' basic need satisfaction in physical education and global self-worth

This study investigated the temporal relations of adolescents’ basic need satisfaction in physical education (PE) and global self-worth in a sample of 3,398 lower and upper secondary school students (49% boys, 51% girls, average age T1 = 15.00, SD = 1.79). Four models and competing hypotheses were tested, and the model with bidirectional paths specified showed the best fit to the data. The bidirectional effect estimates suggest not only that basic need satisfaction in PE predicts global self-worth development but also that adolescents’ perceptions of global self-worth predict the degree to which they experience basic need satisfaction in PE. Findings could suggest that students with low glo…

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Translating, Reliability Testing, and Validating a Norwegian Questionnaire to Assess Adolescents’ Intentions to be Physically Active After High School Graduation

This is a scholarly, peer-reviewed article originally published in Sage Open under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC BY 3.0). You can access the article by following this link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2158244015580374 Dette er en vitenskapelig, fagfellevurdert artikkel som opprinnelig ble publisert i Sage Open under betingelsene til lisensen Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0). Du får tilgang til artikkelen via Sage Open ved å følge denne lenken: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2158244015580374 This study aimed to test the reliability and validity of a Norwegian measure of adolescents’ intentions to be physically active after graduation (the Intention to be …

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Forholdet mellom elevers motivasjon for kroppsøvingsfaget, motivasjonsklima og tilhørighet i kroppsøvingstimene, og deres intensjon om å være fysisk aktive etter endt obligatorisk skolegang

Studiens hensikt var å undersøke forholdet mellom elevers tilhørighet i kroppsøvingstimene, deres opplevelse av motivasjonsklimaet i faget og deres intensjon om å være fysisk aktive etter endt obligatorisk skolegang, samt å undersøke i hvilken grad autonom og kontrollert motivasjon medierte det ovennevnte forholdet. Tverrsnittsdata fra 2610 avgangselever ved ungdoms- og videregående skoler fra fire forskjellige geografiske områder i Norge dannet grunnlaget for mediasjonsanalysen. Denne målte indirekte effekter ved hjelp av en bias-korrigert bootstrapping metode. Resultatene viste at opplevd tilhørighet og opplevd mestringsklima i faget var positivt assosiert med elevers intensjoner om å vær…

research product

Global Self-Worth among Adolescents: The Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction in Physical Education

Global self-worth is important for healthy development and learning, and is therefore highlighted as a major aim in the Norwegian physical education (PE) curriculum. Based on prior research this study aimed to assess potential differences in global self-worth and contextual basic need satisfaction among 2854 adolescents (47.5% boys, 52.5% girls, ages 13 and 16) participating in different movement contexts, and to determine whether basic need satisfaction in PE relates to global self-worth. Structural equation modeling analyses indicate that basic need satisfaction in PE relates significantly to global self-worth. However, adolescents who do not participate in movement contexts outside schoo…

research product

Development of basic psychological need satisfaction in physical education - Effects of a two-year PE programme

Research shows that sports-active students experience more basic need satisfaction (autonomy, competence, relatedness) in physical education (PE) than their non-sports-active peers, and thus, reap most of the benefits of PE. This study aimed to investigate the role of a two-year PE programme, referred to as Interest-based PE, in contributing to students’ basic need satisfaction in PE, and in particular, to assess potential basic needs-benefits among students who were not involved in leisure-time sport. Among 693 students, 348 were offered a choice of two different PE approaches (“explorative” vs. “sports” approach) for the next two years, while the remaining students continued to receive tr…

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