Zheying Zhang
Incompleteness in Conceptual Data Modelling
Although conceptual data modelers can ”get creative” when designing entities and relationships to meet business requirements, they are highly constrained by the business rules which determine the details of how the entities and relationships combine. Typically, there is a delay in realising which business rules might be relevant and a further delay in obtaining an authoritative statement of these rules. We identify circumstances under which viable database designs can be constructed from conceptual data models which are incomplete in the sense that they lack this “infrastructural” detail normally obtained from the business rules. As such detail becomes available, our approach allows the con…
Model component reuse : conceptual foundations and application in the metamodeling-based systems analysis and design environment
Muuttuva liiketoimintaympäristö tuottaa jatkuvasti uusia vaatimuksia tietojärjestelmille. Näin järjestelmistä tulee suuria ja työläästi muokattavia. Kehitettyjen sovellusten ylläpito on vaikeaa, koska järjestelmät koostuvat useista toisistaan riippuvista piirteistä. Tämä mutkistaa uuden toiminnallisuuden lisäämistä olemassa oleviin järjestelmiin.Monimutkaisten järjestelmien kehittämisen nopeuttamiseksi ja kehityskustannusten alentamiseksi ohjelmistosuunnittelun tutkimuksessa pyritään kehittämään olemassa olevien järjestelmien ja komponenttien uudelleenkäyttöä. Huomattava osa järjestelmistä voidaankin rakentaa yhä enemmän myös valmiskomponenteista.Uudelleen käytettävän komponentin määrittely…
A Framework for Component Reuse in a Metamodelling-Based Software Development
Defining Components in a MetaCASE Environment
In this paper we describe how to improve method reusability in a metaCASE environment called MetaEdit+. The suggested component based approach helps unify design artefacts into components with explicit interfaces and meaningful context descriptions. We describe a method artefact from three perspectives: concept, content, and context. We create a component concept by using a hierarchical facet-based schema, and represent contextual relationship types by using definitional and reuse dependency, usage context, and implementation context links. This is the first attempt to explicitly define components into a metaCASE environment.
Comments on “Overviews of Models Defined with Charts of Concepts” by X. Castellani
This paper has introduced a simplified model for the representation of system development methods. The model forms charts of concepts. Different from other metamodels that are made to explain methods in details, the charts of concepts are to help understanding of the concepts of methods using graphic presentation.