Sissel Elisabeth Edvardsen
Hvilke faktorer påvirker unge jenters frafall fra videregående opplæring? : En kvalitativ studie basert på livshistorien til åtte jenter, som har avbryt videregående opplæring, en eller flere ganger. Studien har fokus på de bakenforliggende determinantene oppvekst og skole
Masteroppgave folkehelsevitenskap ME516 - Universitetet i Agder 2017 It is a challenge for both the individual and the society when young adults quit high school. A connection to school and work life is important for their physical and mental health, and the health of future generations. Prevention of school drop outs is important in relation to promoting public health. The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding as well as the theoretical foundation for contributing causes, for why girls quit high school. We look at the underlying causes, with special focus on the determinants of upbringing and school. The aim of the study is: What is it with upbringing and school, that the …
I never asked to quit school myself? A qualitative study of a group of girls? path to drop out of upper secondary school
In this article we explore the school history of girls who are dropping out from upper secondary school, recorded with mental problems. The study has a qualitative, exploratory design with an inductive approach. Interviews were conducted with life-line method, with some supplemental questions. Most of the girls experience weak relations to both school-peers and teachers in primary school. Some of them are bullied and describe a school without capability to deal with the problems and work for an including school environment. When they reach upper secondary school they have a high absence rate and most of them are requested to terminate school, partly due to the risk of losing part of their s…