S Polito
Metroplastica isteroscopica: trattamento resettoscopico monopolare versus isteroscopia operativa bipolare
Use of trans-labial ultrasound in the diagnosis of female urethral diverticula: A diagnostic option to be strongly considered.
AIM: To demonstrate effectiveness of trans-labial ultrasound (TL-US) in the evaluation of female urethral diverticula (UD). METHODS: In the study period, 20 UD were diagnosed and treated. All data on demographic characteristics, presenting symptoms, physical examination findings, diagnostic and operative procedures, were considered. Patients were referred to TL-US for diverticular evaluation, using a 2D 7.5-MHz endfire probe. For each UD, size, complexity, echogenicity content, and presence of diverticular neck were considered. Follow-up controls were carried out at 1, 6 and 12 months after surgery, to evaluate outcome and need for further intervention. RESULTS: Mean patient age was 46 year…