Fabio Fiandaca
Organic-food consumers and some related issues were investigated in the city of Palermo. Consumers were asked to express their global satisfaction regarding consumption of organic food, as well as some other personal information. A survey was conducted from the four main retail outlets specialized in organic-food by interviewing nearly 200 customers. The data were used to analyse the overall satisfaction of the local organic-food consumer. Furthermore, a “discrete choice” model was run by using the overall customer satisfaction (OCS) derived from the consumption of organic food as a dependent variable. A set of other variables were used as regressors. Model outputs identified the key determ…
Il consumatore di prodotti biologici: primi risultati di un'indagine diretta nei negozi specializzati della città di Palermo
Un’applicazione del metodo delle preferenze visive per la valutazione non-monetaria del paesaggio forestale in un’area del Parco delle Madonie
Stima della disponibilità a pagare per la salvaguardia di un'area protetta siciliana dagli incendi boschivi
Forest fires are a major concern in the Mediterranean regions and decision-makers devote large financial resources of the overall public forestry expenditure to their management. The research aims to provide an empirical contribution to the knowledge about the economic benefits deriving from fire protection of forest ecosystems. A case study is presented where we measured the TEV of reducing fire hazards to a cork-oak forest localised in a Sicilian protected area, using a dichotomous choice question in a Contingent Valuation Study. The magnitudes of the annual aggregate WTP estimates obtained range from € 32,745 to € 42,953, corrispondent to € 712 and € 934 per hectare, in order to protect …
Formati di domanda nella valutazione contingente
Comparison between Willingness-to-Pay expressed by a panel of forestry experts and by a sample of non-expert respondents in a pilot survey conducted for a Contingent Valuation Study
This work deals with an empirical analysis aiming to check the possibility to substitute a panel of forestry experts for a sample of non-expert respondents in a pilot survey for a CVM study. This methodology in the case study has focussed on the estimate of the economic value associated with the reduction in wood fire risk in a protected area of southern Sicily. The experiment consisted in carrying out two surveys by means of the same questionnaire with an open-ended elicitation question for WTP’s. The first survey was addressed to a sample of 227 “non-expert” respondents, whereas in the second one 15 forest technicians working in Sicily were interviewed in their quality of experts in fores…