Enrico Telaretti

Stationary battery systems in the main world markets: Part 1: Overview of the state-of-the-art

The role of energy storage systems (ESSs) is becoming more and more important in modern power grids, mainly because of the higher penetration of intermittent renewable energy sources (RESs), such as solar and wind power, spurred by advantageous support policies carried out in several countries. The fluctuation nature of the energy produced by RESs is indeed leading to emerging power quality issues or to renewable curtailments. ESSs can be used to balance generation and demand of electricity over time, allowing a higher penetration of RESs into the power network. The energy storage industry is evolving rapidly, and new electrochemical technologies are entering the market. Besides, most elect…

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Technological and legislative status point of stationary energy storages in the EU

Abstract European renewable generation has been supported through several policy instruments in the last decades, and this has caused a significant growth of the renewable energy sector, spurred by the ambitious climate and energy policy targets. Despite this impetuous growth, the electricity infrastructure is not yet ready to accept increasing shares of variable renewable energy sources (RES) generation, and this is causing grid balance challenges, due to the inherently variable nature of the PV and wind energy. In order to overcome this issue, allowing higher shares of renewable generation in the energy sector, energy storage (ES) systems are becoming increasingly competitive in the globa…

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Technical-economical evaluation for distributed storage applications. An Italian case study for a medium-scale public facility

Time-of-use energy cost management involves the use of storage by customers to reduce their electricity bills. This can be accomplished by charging the storage during off-peak time periods, when electricity energy prices are low, and discharging it during times when on-peak energy prices are applied. This article addresses the question whether it is economically viable to install medium-scale distributed storage devices in the power system designed to lower the electricity cost for a customer-side application, assuming flexible electricity tariffs. The technical/economical evaluation is carried out referring to Lithium ion (Li-ion), Sodium Sulphur (NaS) and Vanadium Redox Battery (VRB) tech…

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Real-time pricing for aggregates energy resources in the Italian energy market

Abstract Over the last decade, the architecture of the energy market has radically changed. In many countries end-users are now able to directly access the market, which has given rise to the question of how they can actively participate in that market. End-users can comprise a critical mass through aggregation that is carried out by a third party – to wit the “loads aggregator.” This paper proposes a new framework for generating feasible real-time price curves for those end-users in a demand-response management process. The underlying algorithm generates output curves as the solution to a constrained optimization problem whose objective function is the aggregator's economic benefit. A case…

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Support Policies for Photovoltaic Systems in Europe

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Financial measures for supporting wind power systems in Europe: A comparison between green tags and feed’in tariffs

Distributed Generation demonstrates to be able to significantly influence the electric power system, bringing considerable benefits to the quality of service and improving the energetic efficiency of the distribution network. In particular, in the last few years, Distributed Generation from renewable energy sources is considerably increased thanks to the many support policies promoted worldwide with the aim of facing the environmental issue and the problem of the permanent rise of prices of the fossil energy. In this contest, after a brief review on the financing strategies carried out in Europe in the last decade for promoting the recourse to renewable energy, the paper presents a comparis…

research product

Battery storage systems for peak load shaving applications: Part 1: Operating strategy and modification of the power diagram

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) are gaining more and more attention in the current global energy landscape, thanks to some peculiar characteristics such as the versatility, modularity, scalability, fast response time, etc. BESSs can advantageously be used in the ancillary services market, in order to provide all the services necessary to ensure the stability and the reliability of the power system. Among other applications, BESS can also be used to shift electricity demand from on-peak to off-peak periods, also contributing to relieve peak demand charges, thus ensuring a saving for the customers. The BESS is charged when the electricity prices are the lowest (during the night) and di…

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A bidirectional converter for the integration of LiFePO4 batteries with RES-based generators. Part II: Laboratory and field tests

This paper presents a device for controlling and connecting combined Renewable Energy Sources (RES)-based generators and electric storage systems to the supply utility grid. The device is a bidirectional converter that can be controlled in order to facilitate the interface between the low voltage grid and small generators combined with Li-ion batteries, contemporary addressing the requirements of the reference technical standards for users connection and providing different ancillary services. The paper describes the laboratory and field test activities carried out by the DEIM of the University of Palermo and ENEA during 2013.

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New dispatching strategy for the integration of active-demand and distributed storage in the electricity market

The proliferation of Distributed Generation (DG) in power systems calls for a redesign of electricity network management, which should be able to accommodate large amounts of intermittent generation. This issue requires a discussion about the current dispatching regulation, giving distributed storage systems and qualified electricity consumption the opportunity to provide ancillary services to the distribution grid. In this work, a new dispatching strategy for the integration of active-demand and distributed storage in the Italian electricity market is presented. The strategy is focused on a distribution Smart Grid (SG), where customers can indirectly participate to the Day-Ahead (DA) and t…

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Inseguitori solari: diverse tipologie e analisi tecnico-economica

L’utilizzo di strutture di sostegno ad inseguimento, nella realizzazione di impianti fotovoltaici, permette di ottenere un considerevole aumento dell’energia elettrica prodotta dagli stessi impianti. L’incremento di producibilità dipende dalla tipologia di inseguitore considerata (monoassiale o biassiale) ed, in misura minore, dalla località del sito d’installazione dell’impianto fotovoltaico. Nel presente testo, dopo aver preso in rassegna le diverse tipologie di strutture ad inseguimento, descrivendone le configurazioni strutturali, le tipologie di comando ed i meccanismi di movimentazione, viene svolta un’analisi di producibilità in funzione della latitudine del sito d’installazione dell…

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Effects of electrical and mechanical parameters on the transient voltage stability of a fixed speed wind turbine

Abstract In this paper the dynamic behaviour of a wind turbine connected to the grid is examined. The model of the fixed speed wind turbine has been developed with the Simulink simulation tool (Matlab Inc.) It is composed of the induction generator, the shaft system, an aerodynamic model of the wind turbine rotor and the pitch control system. Using this model, a three-phase fault is applied close to the wind turbine and cleared by disconnecting the faulty line. The rigorous implementation of the simulink model allowed the authors to evaluate the exact dependence of various electrical parameters for the induction generator on voltage stability. Furthermore, the effects of wind turbine mechan…

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An analysis of feed’in tariffs for solar PV in six representative countries of the European Union

Abstract In this paper, after a brief review on the main support policies for Photovoltaic (PV) systems in Europe, the specific situations of six representative countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the U.K.) are examined, with the purpose of highlighting the main differences in the implementation of the feed’in tariff (FiT) support policies adopted for PV systems. In particular, a comparison based on the calculation of economic indexes, as the Discounted Cash Flows (DCF), the Pay-Back-Period (PBP), the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), for different sized PV systems shows that a specific FiT can sometimes be inconvenient for the producer and that…

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An Innovative Measurement Approach for Load Flow Analysis in MV Smart Grids

This paper proposes a novel measurement procedure for load flow analysis in medium voltage (MV) smart grids. The new approach is based on power measurements at low voltage (LV) side of MV/LV distribution substations. Such measurements are carried out by means of power quality analyzers. If compared with the load flow methods based on measurements at the MV side, the proposed approach has a lower cost and it offers an equally reliable measurement system. The proposed algorithm takes the basic concept of the current summation backward/forward method; some modifications are introduced to use LV load powers measurements. To this aim, the MV/LV power transformer is properly modeled and taken int…

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A comparison of two innovative customer power devices for Smart Micro-Grids

The paper presents a comparison of two prototypes of innovative Customer Power Devices designed for applications in Smart Micro-Grids. The devices are both equipped with Energy Storage Systems, consisting in Lithium batteries and have been assembled, independently, by the DIAEE of the University of Rome 'La Sapienza' and the DEIM of the University of Palermo in collaboration with the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA). In the paper, the characteristics and the operating modes of the devices are examined and some consideration on their application in Low Voltage Smart Micro-Grids are provided. © 2015 IEEE.

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Strategie e scenari di aggregazione delle risorse distribuite nel mercato elettrico

L’articolo espone una modalità per ampliare la base di partecipazione di soggetti connessi alla rete elettrica (aggregatori di carico, sistemi di accumulo distribuiti, ecc.) ai mercati dei servizi già regolamentati, sfruttando opportune azioni di controllo di tipo Demand Response.

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Economic impact of medium-scale battery storage systems in presence of flexible electricity tariffs for end-user applications

This article addresses the question if it is cost-effective to use medium-scale battery storage systems for time-of-use (TMO) energy cost applications at a consumer level, assuming flexible electricity tariffs in the Italian electricity market. TMO application allows customers to reduce their electricity bill charging the storage when off-peak time periods are applied and discharge it during on-peak periods, when electricity energy prices are high. The analysis is carried out taking into account three different electrochemical storage technologies. The economical comparison shows that, at the current costs of storage technologies and at the electricity tariffs currently offered in Italy, th…

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A New Device for the Control and the Connection to the Grid of Combined RES-based Generators and Electric Storage Systems

In this paper a new device for the control and the connection to the supply utility grid of combined RES-based generators and electric storage systems is presented. The device is a bidirectional converter that can be controlled so as to facilitate the interface between the low voltage grid and photovoltaic or wind generators combined with batteries, contemporary addressing the requirements of the reference technical standards for users connection and providing different ancillary services. In the paper the functioning of the device and its circuit diagram are described, the single parts are shown and the potentiality of its control system are commented. © 2013 IEEE.

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Financial Measures for Supporting Wind Power Systems in Europe: A Comparison between Green Tags and Feed’in Tariffs

Distributed Generation demonstrates to be able to significantly influence the electric power system, bringing considerable benefits to the quality of service and improving the energetic efficiency of the distribution network. In particular, in the last few years, Distributed Generation from renewable energy sources is considerably increased thanks to the many support policies promoted worldwide with the aim of facing the environmental issue and the problem of the permanent rise of prices of the fossil energy. In this contest, after a brief review on the financing strategies carried out in Europe in the last decade for promoting the recourse to renewable energy, the paper presents a comparis…

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Multi-objective strategies for management and design of distributed electric storage systems in a Mediterranean island

The paper proposes an analytical study about the design and operation of distributed Electrical Storage Systems(ESS) in an active distribution network supplying a Mediterranean island, according to different criteria. The approach is based on the application of a multi-objective optimization algorithm (NSGA-II) that outputs a set of optimized schedules of the ESS in different configurations when operated according to different criteria (minimum energy losses in the grid, total generation cost, greenhouse gas emissions, limiting the fluctuations of the generation from fossil fuel plants). Moreover the variability of the voltage profile has been investigated also by a comparison with a refere…

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Optimization of BESS Capacity Under a Peak Load Shaving Strategy

Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are becoming increasingly competitive in the global energy landscape, thanks to the strong cost reduction that has taken place in recent years and it is expected to continue in the next future. Among the many benefits BESSs can provide, time shifting can be exploited by electricity consumers to save on the electricity bill, charging the storage during the off-peak hours and discharging when the cost of electricity is high. This paper describes a simple procedure to optimize the BESS capacity under a peak load shaving strategy, in presence of a time-of-use (TOU) electricity rate, able to guarantee, at the same time, the flattest daily power diagram and …

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Battery storage systems for peak load shaving applications: Part 2: Economic feasibility and sensitivity analysis

This paper is the second of a two-part series, aiming to evaluate the economic feasibility of electrochemical storage systems in peak load shaving applications. The battery energy storage system (BESS) is considered to be added to a private facility, with the aim of reducing the customer electricity bill. The BESS is charged during the night, when the electricity prices are the lowest and discharged during the daily hours, when the prices are the highest, contemporary achieving a leveling of the daily usage pattern. The economical evaluations are carried out considering four different electrochemical technologies: lithium-ion (li-ion), advanced lead-acid, sodium-sulphur (NaS) and flow batte…

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Fixed speed wind turbine generator model validation and dynamic simulation using Matlab/Simulink

In the last two decades an increasing amount of electricity has been generated from renewable sources in order to mitigate the environmental impact of the conventional power plants. In the next future wind turbines may affect the behaviour of electrical power system. This paper describes the model of a typical fixed speed wind turbine connected to the grid; the model is developed in the simulation tool Matlab/Simulink. It’s composed by the aerodynamic system, the shaft model (two-mass system), the induction generator (fifth order model) and the stall control system of the wind turbine rotor. The validation of the wind turbine model is made in steady-state operation, and the results are veri…

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DEMAND Project: An algorithm for the assessment of the prosumers’ flexibility

Demand side aggregation represents an important opportunity for ancillary services provision due to the potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on affecting power systems' operation. In this framework, the Aggregator has a main role and takes on different relationships with the other actors of the power system, usually becoming a mediator between the prosumers and the distribution system operator. The DEMAND project introduces a new point of view in demand side aggregation by proposing a new framework where the Aggregator is no more needed and prosumers can share and combine their flexibility in a new aggregation platform called Virtual Aggregation Environment…

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DEMAND Project: A Peak Load Shaving Strategy for End-User Consumers

Battery energy storage systems (BESS) are becoming increasingly widespread in modern power systems, thanks to the important benefits they can provide to the electricity grid. Indeed, BESS can be used in time shifting applications, storing energy during off-peak periods and discharging during peak times (when the cost of electricity is high). When BESS are used for peak shaving purposes, they also contribute to relieve peak demand charges, thus ensuring a saving for the consumers. This paper describes a peak load shaving strategy defined within the DEMAND project. The strategy is able to guarantee the flattest daily power diagram and the maximum benefit for the electricity consumers, reducin…

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Economic impact of Ice Thermal Energy Storage Systems in residential buildings in presence of double-tariffs contracts for electricity

Thermal energy storage is one of the most important methods of demand-side load management, thanks to the capacity of reducing significantly the peak power demand for air conditioning in buildings. Thermal Energy Storage Systems (TESS) are indeed used for producing and storing cooling capacity during off-peak hours (in particular during night hours) to meet the following day's air conditioning requirements. The current paper presents a study on the effects of the installation of Ice TESS for cooling on the power daily profile of residential buildings, and examines the economic repercussions on the electricity billing. With reference to this second theme, the paper examines, in particular, t…

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Stationary battery technologies in the U.S.: Development Trends and prospects

Abstract In the last years, stationary battery systems started to attract the attention of stakeholders thanks to their unique ability to decouple power generation and load over time, providing the ancillary services necessary for the stability and the reliability of the electrical system. This is especially true in the presence of high levels of penetration of renewable energy technologies, like wind and solar photovoltaic (PV), because of increased fluctuations in the electricity produced by these renewable sources. Despite the growing interest in energy storage technologies, the academic literature has not completely assessed the development trends of this sector. In order to fill this g…

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Comparative analysis of different supporting measures for the production of electrical energy by solar PV and Wind systems: Four representative European cases

Abstract In the 9th of March 2007, the European Council decided a fixing goal of 20% contribution of the renewable energy sources (RES) on the total European electric energy production in 2020. In order to reach such an ambitious goal, all the European countries are adopting different support policies for encouraging the installations of RES-based generation systems. In this paper, after a brief review on the main support policies for RES in Europe, the specific situations of four representative countries (France, Germany, Italy and Spain) are examined, with the purpose of putting into evidence the main differences in the support policies adopted for Photovoltaic (PV) and Wind systems. In p…

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Flexibility Services to Minimize the Electricity Production from Fossil Fuels. A Case Study in a Mediterranean Small Island

The design of multi-carrier energy systems (MESs) has become increasingly important in the last decades, due to the need to move towards more efficient, flexible, and reliable power systems. In a MES, electricity, heating, cooling, water, and other resources interact at various levels, in order to get optimized operation. The aim of this study is to identify the optimal combination of components, their optimal sizes, and operating schedule allowing minimizing the annual cost for meeting the energy demand of Pantelleria, a Mediterranean island. Starting from the existing energy system (comprising diesel generators, desalination plant, freshwater storage, heat pumps, and domestic hot water st…

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Grid Stability Improvement Using Synthetic Inertia by Battery Energy Storage Systems in Small Islands

In this paper, the synthetic inertia need of the small island of Pantelleria in the Mediterranean Sea is assessed. Firstly, the optimal renewable energy mix able to minimize the Levelized Cost of Energy for the generation system of the island is evaluated, considering the yearly load demand and the characteristics of the local natural resources. The optimal energy mix introduces in the island a quota of power generation with static power converters interfaced to the grid that could jeopardize the security of the system if not suitably controlled. Therefore, the inherent inertial response of the diesel generators of the system is calculated hour by hour for each month of one year, considerin…

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Wind Turbine Mechanical Characteristics and Grid Parameters Influence on the Transient Voltage Stability of a Fixed Speed Wind Turbine

This paper describes the effect of wind turbine mechanical characteristic of construction and grid parameters on the transient voltage stability of a fixed speed wind turbine (FSWT) connected to a simple grid. The model of FSWT has been developed in Matlab/Simulink. Using this model, a three-phase fault is applied close to the wind turbine (WT) and cleared by disconnecting the faulted line. The effects of mechanical construction of WT and of grid parameters on the voltage stability of this simple case are evaluated and discussed. The considered parameters are the inertia coefficient of the WT, the short-circuit power at the connection bus, the hub-generator resonant frequency, the wind spee…

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Transient stability simulation of a fixed speed wind turbine by Matlab/Simulink

This paper describes the dynamic behavior of a typical fixed speed wind turbine connected to the grid; the model is developed in the simulation tool Matlab/Simulink and created as a modular structure. The pitch control system is used for stabilization of the wind turbine at grid faults. In this way, voltage stability of the system with grid-connected wind turbines can be improved by using blade-angle control for a temporary reduction of the wind turbine power during a short-circuit fault in the grid. This paper shows a new variable control for maintaining of voltage stability, when a three-phase fault is applied close to the wind turbine and cleared by disconnecting the affected line. In th…

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An Innovative Conversion Device to the Grid Interface of Combined RES-Based Generators and Electric Storage Systems

This paper is focused on the development of an innovative device, which is based on a bidirectional converter, for the interface to the supply utility grid of combined renewable-energy-source-based generators and electric storage systems. The device can be controlled so as to ease the interface between the low-voltage grid and photovoltaic or wind generators combined with lithium-ion $\hbox{LiFePO}_{4} $ batteries, taking into account the requirements of the reference technical standards for users connection and offering different ancillary services. The operational functioning of the device, the architecture, and its electronic components, as well as laboratory and field test activities an…

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Effects of Electrical Parameters of Induction Generator on the Transient Voltage Stability of a Fixed Speed Wind Turbine

This paper describes the effect of electrical parameters of the induction generator on the transient voltage stability of a fixed speed wind turbine connected to a simple grid; the dynamic behavior of a wind turbine connected to the grid is examined. The model of the fixed speed wind turbine has been developed in the simulation tool Matlab/Simulink. Itpsilas composed by the induction generator, the shaft system, the aerodynamic model of the wind turbine rotor and the pitch control system. Using this model, a three-phases fault is applied close to the wind turbine and cleared by disconnecting the faulted line. The effect of different electrical parameters of the induction generator on the vo…

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Economic feasibility of a customer-side energy storage in the Italian electricity market

Electricity prices show significant short-term variations during the day due to the need of balancing supply and demand in real time. Normally, customers are not exposed to these variations but pay a constant electricity price. In an attempt to reduce the volatility of the wholesale prices, several utilities are moving from conventional fixed-rate pricing schemes to new market-based models, where the electricity price can fluctuate during the day depending on the market conditions. Examples of time-dependent pricing schemes are Time-Of-Use (TOU) tariffs, where the electricity price can take two or three price levels during the day, or Real-Time Pricing (RTP) tariffs, where the energy price …

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Uncertainty evaluation of a Backward/Forward Load Flow algorithm for a MV smart grid

This paper presents the uncertainty evaluation of an innovative measurement algorithm for load flow analysis in MV distribution networks. The measurement procedure is based on Low Voltage (LV) load power measurements applied on a Backward/Forward (B/F) algorithm for the Load Flow (LF) resolution. Furthermore, in the procedure a three phase voltage measurement at the MV generating substation bus-bars is also considered. The accuracy analysis of the LF algorithm is performed in the case of a real load condition in the distribution grid of Ustica island, Italy. The analysis takes into account the uncertainty of the measurement instruments at the LV side of each secondary substation power trans…

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Economic feasibility of stationary electrochemical storages for electric bill management applications: The Italian scenario

Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are expected to become a fundamental element of the electricity infrastructure, thanks to their ability to decouple generation and demand over time. BESSs can also be used to store electricity during low-price hours, when the demand is low, and to meet the demand during peak hours, thus leading to savings for the consumer. This work focuses on the economic viability of BESS from the point of view of the electricity customer. The analysis refers to a lithium-ion (Li-ion), an advanced lead-acid, a zinc-based, a sodium-sulphur (NaS) and a flow battery. The total investment and replacement costs are estimated in order to calculate the cumulated cash flow, …

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Technical and economical assessment of distributed electrochemical storages for load shifting applications: An Italian case study

Time-of-use (TOU) energy cost management involves the use of energy storage systems (ESSs) by customers to reduce their electricity bills. The ESS is charged during off-peak time periods, when electricity energy prices are low, and discharged during times when on-peak energy prices are applied. This article addresses the question whether it is economically viable to install medium-scale distributed ESSs designed to lower the electricity cost for a customer-side application, assuming flexible electricity tariffs. The technical/economical evaluation is carried out referring to lithium-ion (Li-ion), sodium sulfur (NaS) and vanadium redox battery (VRB) technologies, performing a parametric anal…

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Stationary battery systems in the main world markets: Part 2: Main trends and prospects

Stationary battery systems are gaining a lot of interest in recent years, mainly because of their ability to balance generation and demand of electricity over time. The intermittent nature of renewable generation connected to the power grid is causing major stability and reliability issues in the power system, that can be solved also using stationary storage systems, able to provide the ancillary services necessary to the proper operation of the power network. Despite the considerable advantages offered by these technologies, the electrochemical storage industry is still in the nascent state and it is important to identify the main trends and prospects in relation to future technical develo…

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A Bidirectional Converter for the Integration of LiFePO4 Batteries with RES-based Generators Part I: Revising and Finalizing Design

This paper presents a device for controlling and connecting combined Renewable Energy Sources (RES)-based generators and electric storage systems to the supply utility grid. The device is a bidirectional converter that can be controlled in order to facilitate the interface between the low voltage grid and small generators combined with lithium-ion LiFePO4 batteries, contemporary addressing the requirements of the reference technical standards for users connection and providing different ancillary services. The paper describes the revising and finalizing activities carried out by the DEIM of the University of Palermo and ENEA during 2013.

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A Simple Operating Strategy of Small-Scale Battery Energy Storages for Energy Arbitrage under Dynamic Pricing Tariffs

Price arbitrage involves taking advantage of an electricity price difference, storing electricity during low-prices times, and selling it back to the grid during high-prices periods. This strategy can be exploited by customers in presence of dynamic pricing schemes, such as hourly electricity prices, where the customer electricity cost may vary at any hour of day, and power consumption can be managed in a more flexible and economical manner, taking advantage of the price differential. Instead of modifying their energy consumption, customers can install storage systems to reduce their electricity bill, shifting the energy consumption from on-peak to off-peak hours. This paper develops a deta…

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Optimal pricing strategies in real-time electricity pricing environments: An Italian case study

The energy market has changed radically over the last decade, mainly due to an increased penetration of renewable energies. Now the end users have directly access to the energy market and can actively take part to the electricity market. Electricity customers can indeed modify their behavior through Demand Response (DR), namely by means of pricing strategies that support a change in the end-users habits. This can be accomplished through a 'loads aggregator', a third party that collects the requests and signals for Active Demand-based services coming from the markets and the different power system participants. This paper describes a new framework able to optimally select the real-time prici…

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Feed-in Tariffs for Grid-connected PV Systems: The Situation in the European Community

Distributed generation demonstrates to be able to significantly influence the electric power system bringing considerable benefits to the quality of service and improving the energetic efficiency of the distribution network. In particular, in the last few years, distributed generation from renewable sources is considerably increased thanks to the many support policies promoted worldwide with the aim of facing the environmental issue and the problem of the permanent rise of prices of the fossil energy. In this contest the paper presents a study of the "feed-in tariffs" financing measure carried out, at present, in many European countries and responsible of the increase in these last years of…

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Economic analysis of different supporting policies for the production of electrical energy by solar photovoltaics in western European Union countries

Abstract Within various renewable energy technologies, photovoltaics (PV) today attracts considerable attention due to its potential to contribute a major share of renewable energy in the future. However, PV market development is, undoubtedly, dependent on the political support of any given country. In this paper, after a brief analysis of national support policies in PV technology in western European Union (EU) countries, the authors perform an economic analysis of the main support mechanisms as implemented in the same countries, based on the calculation of the cash flow, the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) indices. The analysis shows that in some situations s…

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DEMAND Project: Bottom-Up Aggregation of Prosumers in Distribution Networks

The paper explains the concept of the DEMAND project, whose aim is to develop a technical framework for allowing a Bottom-Up aggregation of prosumers connected to the distribution grid. Load and generation aggregation is a very current issue given the great potential that the coordinated management of distributed resources has on power systems operation and design. The novelty in DEMAND is the absence of a physical aggregator and the recourse to a virtual aggregation environment (VAE) for allowing the exchange of information among the prosumers in order to provide a service to the DSO. After a general description of the research project, the paper presents the services that the aggregated c…

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A simple operation strategy of battery storage systems under dynamic electricity pricing: An Italian case study for a medium-scale public facility

In the electricity market, wholesale energy prices depend on the balance between energy production and load demand. In the last few years, electricity market has become more and more flexible as many utilities have started to replace the fixed retail prices schemes with prices changing during the day. Dynamic pricing, also known as Real-Time Pricing (RTP), reflects the trend of the wholesale market and allows to reduce the volatility of the wholesale prices, also contributing to a reduction of demand peaks. Electricity customers take advantage of dynamic pricing by shifting their consumption according to the real-time prices or by using Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) to shift electri…

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Comparative economic analysis of support policies for solar PV in the most representative EU countries

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study the positions of some European Union (EU) countries on the development of PV systems. After a review of the main support policies for PV systems in Europe, the specific situations of five representative countries (France, Germany, Greece, Italy and the U.K.) are examined, with the purpose of describing the main differences in their implementation of support policies adopted for PV systems. In particular, comparisons based on economic indexes such as the net present value (NPV) and the internal rate of return (IRR) are carried out for different sized PV systems, showing that in some situations support policies can be inconvenient for the PV syst…

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Economical Analysis of Financial Supports for Large-Scale Photovoltaic PV plants in Eastern Europeen Union Countries

Today, photovoltaic (PV) attracts considerable interest among renewable energy sources (RES), because of its potential to significantly contribute to the future of clean energies. However, PV development is strongly related to the support policies introduced by national governments. The modification or fading out of such support schemes can strongly influence the development of the PV market in any given country. Although the PV market in European developing countries is still quite small, it has been growing rapidly in recent years. Until 2006, the installation of small off-grid PV plants prevailed in eastern EU countries. Starting from 2008, large-scale on-grid PV plants have been put int…

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Incremental heuristic approach for meter placement in radial distribution systems

The evolution of modern power distribution systems into smart grids requires the development of dedicated state estimation (SE) algorithms for real-time identification of the overall system state variables. This paper proposes a strategy to evaluate the minimum number and best position of power injection meters in radial distribution systems for SE purposes. Measurement points are identified with the aim of reducing uncertainty in branch power flow estimations. An incremental heuristic meter placement (IHMP) approach is proposed to select the locations and total number of power measurements. The meter placement procedure was implemented for a backward/forward load flow algorithm proposed by…

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Economic analysis of different supporting policies for the production of electrical energy by solar photovoltaics in eastern European Union countries

Today, photovoltaic (PV) attracts considerable interest in relation to renewable energy technologies, because of its potential to contribute significantly to the future of renewable energy. However, PV market development is related strongly to the support policies introduced by national governments, defined in national laws. The modification or fading out of such incentive schemes can strongly influence the development of the PV market in any given country. In this paper, after a brief review of national support policies in PV technology in eastern European Union (EU) countries, the authors perform an economic analysis of the main support mechanisms that are implemented in these countries. …

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A Novel Operating Strategy for Customer-Side Energy Storages in Presence of Dynamic Electricity Prices

In the wholesale energy market, electricity prices are determined by the balance between supply and demand. Normally, customers are not exposed to these variations but pay a constant electricity price. In an attempt to reduce demand peaks, several utilities are moving from a conventional fixed-rate pricing scheme to a new market-based model, based on time-of-use or real-time pricing, able to closely reflect the wholesale energy price. Electricity customers can thus take profit from the installation of storage systems, shifting their energy consumption from on-peak to off-peak periods. This paper presents a novel charging strategy to manage customer storage systems in presence of hourly elec…

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New Measurement Procedure for Load Flow Evaluation in Medium Voltage Smart Grids

The aim of this paper is to present a new approach for the medium voltage (MV) distribution network load flow analysis, mainly based on power measurement at the low voltage (LV) level of MV/LV distribution substations. This allows to use measurement instruments, usually already installed in the secondary substations, thus achieving an equally reliable measurement system with a lower cost compared to measurements at the MV side. The new approach can be applied using a proper communication system to collect the nodal measurements and an iterative algorithm based on ladder iterative technique (LIT) to compute the load flow. The validity of this method is presented and discussed on the basis of…

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Flexibility Services in a Mediterranean Small Island to Minimize Costs and Emissions Related to Electricity Production from Fossil Fuels

In last years, the energy efficiency in non-interconnected islands became an important topic, since the electricity production is often based on diesel generators, thus contributing to the global warming. Italian government recently emitted two decrees to promote the introduction of renewable energy technologies in 21 non-interconnected islands, both for electrical and thermal uses. In this paper, the economic and environmental feasibility of the introduction of renewable energies in the island of Pantelleria was assessed adopting an optimization approach. Furthermore, the flexibility provided from the local desalination plant and the domestic water heaters was evaluated. The final demands …

research product

Transparency in transactive energy at distribution level

A recent report from the German Energy Agency analyzes the possible introduction of the blockchain technology in energy transactions in power distribution. The issue deserves attention since the extensive digitalization of business models puts new challenges to utilities in the power sector. The German decision makers in the energy field claim that blockchain appears as a close perspective and, at the same time, the Gartner hypecycle puts this technology at the peak of inflated expectations in 2016. Diffuse perception however provides hints for further investigation on the topic. This paper provides insight into the problem of peer-to-peer energy exchange from a technical perspective, provi…

research product

An optimal operating strategy for combined RES–based Generators and Electric Storage Systems for load shifting applications

This paper focuses on an optimal operating strategy of combined RES-based generators and electric storage systems for small/medium-scale public facilities. The operating strategy can be used in load shifting applications in response to a time-of-use (TOU) rate design with differential pricing for on- and off-peak usage. Load shifting applications can be exploited by customers using battery energy storage systems (BESS) in order to reduce their electricity bill, charging the storage when off-peak time periods are applied and discharging it during on-peak periods, when electricity energy prices are high. The operating strategy is implemented within a bidirectional converter that provides an i…

research product


The development of the photovoltaic (PV) sector in the last decade was spurred by the implementation of various support strategies aimed at reducing the gap between PV energy cost and the energy price for conventional generation. The deployment of support policies has pushed the reduction of PV energy costs, but despite this PV is still not very competitive and its development still requires adequate support mechanisms, simple grid connection procedures, and so on. This chapter provides a technical-economic analysis of investments in PV systems, evaluating the positioning of the main European markets (Germany and Italy), with the purpose of highlighting the main differences in the implement…

research product

Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate Report 2 – Applicazioni in reti isolate e interconnesse

Il presente Report riferisce sui contenuti e sui risultati della seconda fase delle attività svolte nell’ambito della ricerca dal titolo: “Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate”, oggetto dell’Accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e DIEET sottoscritto nel corso del 2011, e in relazione agli esiti della prima fase della ricerca, di cui si riferisce nel precedente Report [1]. Le attività sono state condotte in sinergia con il personale tecnico di ENEA e sono state svolte prevalentemente all’interno dei locali e dei laboratori del DIEET di Palermo. Il Report è articolato in due part…

research product

Sviluppo, messa a punto e sperimentazione di un sistema combinato batterie al litio-ferro-fosfato/FER per applicazioni in bassa tensione. Report 2 -Test e prove di funzionamento, anche in connessione con la rete elettrica di distribuzione.

Il presente documento costituisce il report dell’attività svolta nel periodo aprile - settembre 2013 avente per oggetto: “Sviluppo, messa a punto e sperimentazione di un sistema combinato batterie al litio-ferrofosfato/FER per applicazioni in bassa tensione”. Nel corso di tale attività, sono state eseguite molteplici prove in condizioni reali di funzionamento, integrando il sistema sviluppato (comprendente il pacco-batterie al litio-ferro-fosfato per una capacità complessiva di 16 kWh e l’insieme degli apparati di interfaccia - di potenza e di segnale - di controllo e di protezione), in una rete elettrica di distribuzione di bassa tensione attualmente in esercizio, al fine di verificare spe…

research product

Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate Report 1 – Analisi dello stato dell’arte

Il presente Report riferisce sui contenuti e sui risultati della prima fase delle attività svolte nell’ambito della ricerca dal titolo: “Analisi e definizione di strategie di gestione e controllo di sistemi di accumulo elettrico per applicazioni in reti di distribuzione attive automatizzate”, oggetto dell’Accordo di Collaborazione tra ENEA e DIEET sottoscritto nel corso del 2011. Nel corso della prima fase delle attività, a partire da un inquadramento generale dei diversi tipi di accumulo di energia elettrica (elettrochimico, meccanico ed elettrico), è stata condotta un’analisi preliminare su metodologie, sistemi d’interfaccia e tecniche di controllo dei sistemi di accumulo, in una visione …

research product

Sviluppo, messa a punto e sperimentazione di un sistema combinato batterie al litio-ferro-fosfato/FER per applicazioni in bassa tensione. Report 1 –Sviluppo sperimentale e perfezionamento degli apparati di controllo e comunicazione.

Il presente documento costituisce il report dell’attività svolta nel periodo ottobre 2012 – marzo 2013 avente per oggetto: “Sviluppo, messa a punto e sperimentazione di un sistema combinato batterie al litioferro-fosfato/FER per applicazioni in bassa tensione”. L’attività s’inquadra come avanzamento delle ricerche svolte nel corso di collaborazioni precedenti con lo sviluppo sperimentale e la realizzazione prototipale di un sistema di controllo ed interfaccia verso la rete di un sistema combinato di accumulo elettrico-generazione FER, della taglia di 20 kW, progettato per applicazioni in bassa tensione tali da consentire l’implementazione di funzionalità innovative improntate al modello “sm…

research product