Salvatore Vaccaro
Un conflitto senza orizzonti
Le double paradigme du pouvoir
Biopolitica e zoopolitica
Epistemica della violenza
In this article the author individuates the deepened root of violence in the ontological representation of man as superior to the Other as subordinated to him, like woman, or savage, or different in multiple ways of existence.
In this paper Vaccaro criticizes the notion of biopolitics in the specific link between life and death, opposing the power of living to the concept of life as a natural substance and the force of ethopolitical acratis to the ontological fixing of the politics.
In the context of the philosophy of modernity in general, and of political philosophy in particular, the idea of the practice of freedom gives rise above all to a sense of panic. Freedom's infinite expansion and absolute intensity have provoked a reaction which expresses itself in the bipolarity discipline/punishment (to evoke Michel Foucault). The irreconcilable divide between liberalism and anarchism turns on this ground: the first feels the necessity of building freedom in order to better designate it through limits, while anarchy underlines the importance of subtracting freedom from foundational limits through the valorization of its unlimited potential/power (if not, indeed, of its own…
L'eccedenza anarchica in Kurdistan
In this paper, Vaccaro shows the anarchist implications and ambiguities of Rojavan revolution in Kurdistan during the syrian civil war and the international struggle against the Islamic State.
Biopolitica della rivolta
Media e diritti umani
Liberalismo, democrazia, anarchismo
Il senso laico. Immanenza e contingenza contro teologia politica
Il libro affronta uno dei temi più attuali e scottanti del dibattito contemporaneo: il nesso tra le politiche di globalizzazione, con gli effetti militari ed economici dominanti, e la tutela dei diritti umani che oscilla tra vocazione di valori umani di principio e le pratiche, sia collettive dei movimenti di base che statuali attraverso le operazioni di ingerenza umanitaria. Il testo si articola in due sezioni: la parte filosofica indaga l’evoluzione delle categorie e dei concetti della globalizzazione nei suoi risvolti sulla tenuta dello stato di diritto, della democrazia e della sovranità dello stato nazionale. La parte politica analizza i tre case-studies dell’ingerenza umanitaria, dell…
La volontà di non essere governati
Oikos, zoé e biopolitica.
Autorità vo' sfuggendo...
Critique de l'ontologie étatique et devenir-anarchie
El pensamiento politico de Foucault: de la ethopoyesis a la ethopolitica
En este ensayo, Salvo Vaccaro analiza el pensamiento politico de Foucault. En primer lugar, el compara el concepto de soberania —fundamental para la tradicion filosofico-politica—las analiticas del poder y el dispositivo de saber-poder de la gubernamentalidad. En este itinerario, Foucault considera el dominio como fuerza de objetivacion. En segundo lugar, Vaccaro da cuenta de como Foucault reconstruye las lineas de subjetivacion del si, en un recorrido de investigacion que llega a la antiguedad clasica, aunque el resultado final de una formacion etica del si no lleva a la estrategia del pensamiento politico de Foucault. En conclusion, Vaccaro propone un panorama de ethopolitica capaz de dec…
I diritti dei governati
Genealogia dell'ingovernabile
L'anarchismo non è un cocktail Martini
Biopolitik und Zoopolitik
"Biopolitica e disciplina" è un libro che affronta, da una prospettiva teorica, il tema del carcere, sulla scia del capolavoro del filosofo francese Michel Foucault, Sorvegliare e punire, che quest’anno compie trent’anni dalla data di pubblicazione. Il libro coniuga una indagine teorica dimostrando l’articolazione comune e disgiunta dei paradigmi della biopolitica e del disciplinamento, con un risvolto empirico, che viene ad essere attualizzato attraverso l’analisi delle nuove frontiere del controllo sociale tecnologizzato (videocamere, biometria, sorveglianza a distanza, ecc.).
Critic of Static Ontology and Becoming-Anarchy
A mani vuote da Lomé
Lo sterminio infinito
Biopolitica di Alfredo Cospito
In this article, the author analyses the case of anarchist Alfredo Cospito, in hunger strike for protesting against his carceral condition.
Le nuove frontiere del controllo sociale
Governança e governamentalidade
Sorveglianza e governamentalità
The essay looks for the new forms of surveillance in our digital societies, under the perspective of the foucauldian category of Governementality.
Protesi di invisibilità. Una prospettiva del potere nell'era biopolitica
Anarchismo e modernità
La spirale vertiginosa dell’auto-inganno
The paper suggest some political explanations of the recent crisis of government last summer in Italy.
Anarchismo, post-anarchismo, neo-anarchismo
This article surfaces the different articolations of anarchism in a classical vision, in a new perspective denominated neo-anarchism, and in a hybridation with other contemporary philosophies like post-structuralism and critical theory that propose a post-anarchist thought.
Post-anarchismo in discussione
In this article, the author means to connect the anarchist thought to post-structuralism, deconstructionism, critical theory, french theory, and so on. These strategies of thinking are labelled post-anarchism or neo-anarchism, all tending towards a libertarian affirmation of anti-authoritarian, not-hierarchical and differential equalitarian practices of anarchism.
Governance e governo della vita
Una genealogia della critica
After 50 years from the Theodor W. Adorno's death, the paper traces a conceptual path of critics from the ancient time to nowadays.
Globalizzazione come eterotopia politica della società
Para uma critica da autoridade
Una tensione ingovernabile
Anarchist Studies. Una critica degli assiomi culturali
The concepts of authority, of power and its visibility, of western ontology, of representation, of political unity, of modern knowledge, are targeted in this essay by Vaccaro, stressing them as implicite categories of our way of thinking.
Lo sguardo prensivo. Per una zoopolitica dei sensi in Foucault
Vigiar e expelir: bio-fronteiras da individuacao e dispositivos de captura social
L'anarchia nell'era della globalizzazione
Anarquismo e ontologia
Le sfide della modernità
Governametalidade e revolta
Pensare la politica con Foucault
Analysing the concept of sovereignty and politicla power in Foucault, Vaccaro tends to demonstrate that the practice of parrhesia brings further the classical way of thinking politics towards an ethopolitics viable to define a form of life founded on the will to not be governed.
La politica alla prova: notazioni introduttive
Spazio e biopolitica. Da Foucault a Nancy
Vertigine della libertà anarchica
Credere senza dogma
In this chapter, the author looks for a form of belief without any dogmaticism.
Il cerchio e la rete
In this paper the author individuates two figures – the circle and the web – in order to configurate two different ways of understanding the contemporary episteme and to advance some vision of modern knowledge.
Introduzione a Noam Chomsky, Terrore infinito. La questione palestinese dalla Guerra del Golfo all'Intifada
Biopolitica e zoopolitica
Biopolitica y zoopolitica
The biopolitical question can be understand as a radical query about the relationships between the animal and the human condition. The link between politics and life is based, in fact, on the prior link between bíos and zoé. The zoopolitical question is the ground of whose resolution depends our notion of sovereignty. In these pages, by standing in Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze and Esposito, I cover the relationships between biopolitics and zoopolitics investigating to what extent any post-humanist consideration (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sloterdijk) must pass first by a zoopolitical consideration.
El agotamiento del ventrilocuo. Afasia democratica y vocalidad anarquica
Critique de la grammaire politique
Authority, Power, Ontology, Representation, Power, State, Modernity: with that’s the topics Vaccaro deals in his book, criticisizing the mas political inconscious of our political imaginery.
Addomesticare e divorare
Sorvegliare ed espellere. Biofrontiere dell'individuazione e dispositivi di cattura sociale
El paso del caballo
In his book on acrobatic anthropology “You must change your life”, Sloterdijk cites a Rilke verse about the Apollo’s archaic torso: Du mußt dein Leben ändern, but adjoining in a enigmatic way the exclamation mark. This final mark is sealing the imperative mode, a “absolute verticality” that in this graphic sign is referring to a top-down hierarchy. Sloterdijk adopts the verticality as a cipher of value, and so the necessity to use transcendence as the only way of change. My brief paper deals just with this stake.
Il buco nero del capitalismo
Nutritional parameters associated with prognosis in non-critically ill hospitalized covid-19 patients: the nutri-covid19 study
Background & aims: To investigate the association between the parameters used in nutritional screening assessment (body mass index [BMI], unintentional weight loss [WL] and reduced food intake) and clinical outcomes in non-critically ill, hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Methods: This was a prospective multicenter real-life study carried out during the first pandemic wave in 11 Italian Hospitals. In total, 1391 patients were included. The primary end-point was a composite of in-hospital mortality or admission to ICU, whichever came first. The key secondary end-point was in-hospital mortality. Results: Multivariable models were based on 1183 patients with comple…
Foucault: dall'etopoiesi all'etopolitica
In my article, it is my intent to connect, from one part, the critical perspective of usual political philosophy with which Foucault erases the concept of sovereignty in favor of an analysis of power that finally takes him to biopolitics and governementality, and, from the other, the aesthetics of existence with which Foucualt is styling a care of self tipically ethical.
The Double Paradigm of Power
As everybody knows, power is a ugly thing, escaping an immediate catch that is aimed to represent it in a univocal way. In the western culture, its conformation is investigated by the classic metaphysical question – what is power? – so inexorably linking it to its essence, that yet defines the perimeter of truth in connection with its existence: in fact that question is possible only for what it is, not for what it is not (i.e. nihilism); things as they are given, they are so in their essence, that is unalterable in time and not deniable as truth effect. If things are by essence, they are true. So and not otherwise, that’s all! The primacy of essence as a real signification of things in the…
Communalism e terza rivoluzione
This paper analyses the thought of political philospher Murray Bookchin from the points of view of his Communalism and of his peculiar vision of a third devolution for the XXI century.
Genealogia del potere destituente. L'inattualità tenace di Etienne de La Boétie
De l'éthopoiesis à l'éthopolitique
In this essay, the author links the criticism by Foucault to the classical categories of political philosophy, counteropposing biopolitics and governmentality to sovereignty and political authority, meanwhile introduces the notion of ethopolitics in Foucault’s thought when the last understresses the aesthetics of existence as a way of life either ethical or political.
Diritti umani, troppo umani. La governamentalità della violenza umanitaria
L'esaurimento del ventriloquo
La sfida anarchica nel Rojava
In this book, the editors collect a series of contributions about the revolution in Rojava (Kurdistan), in the name of democratic confederalism inspired by the anarchist ideals of libertarian municipalism by Murray Bookchin
This volume investigates alternative forms of belief, otherwise than religion and faith.