S. Caracappa
Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in cattle by PCR on milk, lymphnode and nasal swabs.
The PCR technique was applied to the diagnosis of tuberculosis in live cattle, and both skin-test-negative and skin-test-positive animals were studied. DNA was taken from various sources including specimens of lymph node aspirates, milk, and nasal swabs. After slaughter and visual inspection, tissues such as lymph nodes, lungs, and udders from tuberculin reactors were tested by the same technique. Specific oligonucleotide primers internal to the IS6110 insertion element were used to amplify a 580-bp fragment. A 182-bp fragment was obtained by designating a nested PCR from the first amplification product. This fragment was cloned and sequenced, and after being labeled it was employed in dot …
Vastedda della valle del Belìce: processo produttivo e contaminazione sperimentale con Salmonella spp.
Vastedda della valle del Belìce cheese: production and microbiological investigation
Monitoraggio biologico nei lavoratori esposti ad EBDC in un’azienda vitivinicola siciliana
Caratterizzazione dell'antigene AMA1 in ceppi di Babesia bigemina isolati in Italia
Babesia bigemina is an endemic parasite in different parts of the world, including Europe and the Americas. One of the few genes characterized in this species codifies for the apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1), a transmembrane antigen recently identified. We characterized the ama-1 gene from three Italian B. bigemina strains. Italian sequences were compared to those of the Australian strain. The results obtained confirmed that this newly described ama-1 gene is highly conserved among Italian and foreign strains, which has implications for vaccine development.
[The risk of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Sicily, through imported bovines for slaughter]
The presence of Escherichia coli 0157:117, an emerging pathogen that has been. responsible of serious epidemics of hemorrhagic colitis and hemolytic-uremic syndrome in several countries, has been detected in rectal swabs in 13 out of 201 (6,5%) calves imported in Sicily (Italy) from France, 7 out of 154 (4,5%) calves imported from Spain, and only one out of 207 (0,5%) calves from Sicilian farms. The only positive Sicilian calf was from a farm where imported calves had been stalled some days before. All the isolates showed eaeA and hlyA virulence genes. Genes for verocytotoxins were detected in 18 isolates, which showed the following genotypes: stx2c (12 isolates), stxl stx2 (4 isolates), sa…
Evidenza di un caso di epatite infettiva del cane in Sicilia
L’Adenovirus Canino di tipo 1 (CAV-1), appartenente al genere Mastadenovirus, famiglia Adenoviridae, è l’agente causale dell’epatite infettiva del cane (ICH). Il virus replica negli endoteli vascolari e negli epatociti, causando epatite necrotico emorragica acuta. I sintomi neurologici sono rari e sono causati da una vasculite del SNC. Negli ultimi anni, la diffusa vaccinazione ha ridotto la circolazione di CAV-1 ed i casi clinici segnalati sono diventati rari ed isolati. In questo lavoro, gli Autori descrivono un caso clinico in un cucciolo di 2 mesi, non vaccinato, con febbre, prostrazione, convulsioni, vomito, diarrea ed esito infausto in una settimana. A seguito dell’esame autoptico, so…
Artrite-Encefalite Caprina (CAEV) una patologia emergente nel territorio siciliano: programma volontario di eradicazione
L’Artrite-Encefalite Virale Caprina è una malattia infettiva segnalata per la prima volta nel 1974; l’agente causale è stato isolato solamente nel 1979: si tratta di un virus della famiglia Retroviridae, genere Lentivirus. Il virus si diffonde principalmente attraverso colostro, latte (durante la mungitura) e, in minor misura, attraverso sangue, saliva, espettorato, secrezioni vaginali. La malattia può evolvere in forma subdola e tende ad essere sottostimata negli allevamenti infetti. Le forme cliniche negli animali adulti si presentano sotto forma di artrite e/o mastite, mentre negli animali giovani, nei quali l’evidenza è ancora più rara, si osserva sintomatologia clinica riferibile ad en…
Misure preliminari su scanner MRI 7T di stabilità nel tempo di Dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke
L’ottimizzazione delle procedure che utilizzano radiazioni ionizzanti in campo medico costituisce un elemento chiave per la sicurezza del paziente e l’esito dei trattamenti radioterapici. In particolare è fondamentale arrecare il minor danno possibile ai tessuti sani circostanti la neoplasia da trattare (Attix, 2004). La misurazione precisa della dose somministrata nei tessuti e la sua mappatura in tre dimensioni sono di fondamentale importanza in termini di riuscita e di pianificazione dei trattamenti radioterapici (Khan, 2009). In questo lavoro sono presentate le misure preliminari effettuate per testare la stabilità temporale di dosimetri gel di tipo Fricke tramite scanner pre-clinico 7T…
New Fricke gel with high sensitivity and low diffusion for 3D-MRI dosimetry
209 New Fricke gel with high sensitivity and low diffusion for 3D-MRI dosimetry
Purpose Fricke gel (FG) dosimeters are good candidates for 3D dose assessment in biological materials. Their effective atomic number and density are similar to those of soft tissue. In view of their chemical and morphological characteristics, FG serve as dosimeters and as phantoms at the same time. FG dosimeters are obtained by incorporating an acidic aqueous solution of ferrous ions Fe2+ into a gel matrix. In order to address the limitations of gels based on natural matrices, we have studied FG produced with a matrix of poly-vinyl alcohol (PVA) cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GTA). Materials and methods The proposed gel contains 10% w/v of PVA and GTA of 1%w/v. A common formulation agaro…
Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric and microbiological analyses on irradiated chiken
Ionizing radiation is widely used as treatment technique for food preservation. It involves among others reduction of microbial contamination, disinfestations, sprout inhibition and extension of shelf life of food. However, the commercialization of irradiated food requires the availability of reliable methods to identify irradiated foodstuffs. In this paper, we present results on the application to irradiated chicken of this method, based on the detection, in muscle and skin samples, of the peaks of ions 98 Da and 112 Da, in a ratio approximately 4:1, typical of radiation induced 2-dodecylcyclobutanones (2-DCB). Aim of the work was also to study the time stability of the measured parameters…
Molecular characterization of biofilm-forming S.aureus field isolates and their treatment
β-Lactoglobulin (β-lg) is the major whey milk protein and it represents the main allergen in cow and sheep milk (1). Microbial fermentation produces some proteolytic enzymes and leads to the degradation of milk protein allergens. In this study, the results of a screening on the ability of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from typical Sicilian cheeses to reduce the β-lg are shown. This screening was carried out through an indirect competitive ELISA. The lactic acid fermentation was found to be suitable for decreasing milk immunoreactivity. Twenty three strains of cheese LAB, belonging to six genera (Enterococcus, Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus and Streptococcus), wer…