R. Mauro
Road restraint systems monitoring with stereoscopic dip-technique
Road restraint systems (RRS) are used to protect vehicle occupants from dangerous roadside elements such as rigid obstacles, slopes, utility poles, etc. The crashes on a road restraint system damage its structure and, therefore, the functional behavioral; for this reason is required monitoring the RRS into their operational conditions. The research addresses the problem of the measurement of safety barrier (SB) deformations by means digital image processing technique (DIP). This technique is founded on the analysis of high resolution photos/videos, obtained by means of 3D camera installed into a data vehicle. The DIP technique has been used for evaluating the longitudinal safety barriers de…
Evaluating the safety of platooned heavy vehicles: A case study
In the right lane of motorways with trucks' overtaking prohibition is very common the formation of platoons of heavy vehicles. Although this traffic controls strategies can increase the capacity of passing lane, in the right lane may occur increases of rear-end collisions. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the safety of the platooned heavy vehicles by means a closed-form stream model. The case study of the Italian motorway A22 was examined. The sampling of platoons was performed in four observation sections.In the research have been investigated platoons with 2/20 heavy vehicles for each platoon. Many traffic parameters have been evaluated: frequencies of the number of platoons, …
Application of a genetic algorithm in calibration of traffic microsimulation models
This chapter describes the genetic algorithm-based calibration procedure for a microscopic traffic simulation model focusing on freeways and modern roundabouts. For both case studies, the genetic algorithm tool in MATLAB® was applied in order to reach the convergence between the outputs from Aimsun microscopic simulator and the observed data. The automatic interaction with Aimsun software was implemented through an original external Python script. Results showed that the genetic algorithm-based calibration procedure gave a better match to the observed data than simple manual calibration and the efficiency of the calibration efforts resulted significantly improved. At last, the calbrated mod…
La qualità ambientale. Ecosostenibilità e infrastrutture viarie
Notiziario della SIIV su Le Strade. Il concetto e la definizione di qualità hanno subito grandi evoluzioni nel tempo, anche in relazione ai diversi ambiti di applicazione. La norma ISO 9000 del 2005, circoscrivendo la qualità al grado in cui un insieme di caratteristiche intrinseche soddisfano i requisiti, sottolinea la valenza generale del concetto di qualità, seppur applicabile a tutte le realtà umane, e le differenze connesse allo strumento di misurazione e alle modalità di organizzazione e gestione, dipendenti dal produttore del bene (o del servizio) e dal committente e/o utente e finalizzate alla riduzione degli sprechi in un'ottica di ottimizzazione degli sforzi. Ciò pone in essere l’…
Notiziario della SIIV su Le Strade
A Palermo il IV Congresso Internazionale
Notiziario della Società Italiana di Infrastrutture Viarie incentrato sul convegno organizzato dal Dipartimento di Ingeneria delle infrastrutture Viarie di Palermo, dedicato ai temi di ricerca specifici del settore Strade, Ferrovie e Aeroporti.
Eventi e manifestazioni culturali Focus su infrastrutture viarie, materiali e ambiente
Notiziario della Società Italiana di Infrastrutture viarie sul convegno MAIREPAV6, sesta Conferenza internazionale Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control (MAIREPAV 6) patrocinata dalla Società Italiana di Infrastrutture Viarie (SIIV) e promossa dall’international Society of Maintenance And Rehabilitation of Transportation Infrastructures (iSMARTi), dal Transportation Research Board (TRB), insieme all’University of IOWA, al Center for Advanced Infrastructure Technology (CAIT - The University of Mississippi), all’Università portoghese do Minho (Universidade do Minho), all’Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (Brasile), all’University of Ulster (UK).
Forum Europeo sugli asfalti. A Parma l'EATA Conference 2010.
VOL. 5 N. 1457 anni CXII- Notiziario della SIIV su Le Strade, Maggio 2010 (casa Ed. la fiaccola,Milano)-ISSN: 0373-2916, PAG. 172.
Family reunification: the case of the Muslim migrant children in Europe
Adopting a child is not a legal concept recognized in Islamic law, who however giving a great importance to orphans and children's rights, has introduced the legal institute of the "Kafala". This institute can be defined as a commitment by the "kafil" to ensure maintenance, education and protection of a minor "makfoul" until his legal majority, in the same way as would a father to his son, but without creating any family relationship. For these reasons the “Kafala” can not be compared to an international adoption, which, contrariwise, entails the creation of a parent-child relationship. If, in one side the Kafala is a legal concept recognized by International Law, in particular by the Unite…
Multidisciplinary Road Safety . A Enna un corso avanzato sulla sicurezza stradale
Notiziario della Società Italiana di Infrastrutture Viarie (SIIV) sulla rivisa Le Strade
La cultura delle vie di trasporto.
Notiziario della SIIV su Le Strade N.1454, Gennaio/Febbraio 2010 (casa Ed. la fiaccola,Milano)-ISSN: 0373-2916.
La cultura delle infrastrutture. Attivita' dell'associazione nel biennio 2008-2010
Vol. 8-1460 - anno CIXII, p. 126, Notiziario della SIIV su Le Strade N.1454, Settembre 2010 (casa Ed. la fiaccola,Milano)-ISSN: 0373-2916.
Normativa, tecnica, innovazione.
Notiziario della SIIV sulla rivista Le Strade.
International Law, War and Human Rights: The Humanitarian Response
One of the most important issues in the international political and legal system comprises the interaction between human rights and humanitarian law. In particular, the separate treatment of such areas of law allows to delineate different contents and application procedures, while the joint consideration is not simple, in view of the reasons for which each of the two has been created. Humanitarian law is a set of rules of conduct limited to a political and legal situation pathological, and presumably temporary. Against this regulatory system, the international law of human rights is the establishment of a political and legal concept of man as endowed with certain inalienable rights that con…