Kalvis Lauberts
Snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging for applications in dermatology and forensics
Performance of multi-spectral imaging critically depends on image acquisition time and working spectral bandwidths. Ultimate performance can be achieved if a set of monochromatic (single-wavelength) spectral images is obtained by a single snapshot - a technique provisionally called “snapshot multi-spectral-line imaging” or SMSLI. The SMSLI principle and the developed prototype devices for 3, 4 and 5 spectral line snapshot imaging are described. Two potential practical applications of SMSLI are discussed – for fast mapping of the main in-vivo skin chromophores and for detection of counterfeit banknotes and documents.
Ādas hromoforu kartēšanas ierīces izveide un eksperimentāla pārbaude
Darba mērķis ir izgatavot un pārbaudīt jaunu maketierīci ātrai piecu ādas hromoforu kartēšanai. Darba gaitā tika izsvērtas pozitīvās un negatīvās īpašības no iepriekšējām LU ASI iekārtām ādas hromoforu bezkontakta kartēšanai un izveidota piecu monohromatisku spektrālo attēlu uzņemšanas ierīce, ar kuras palīdzību iespējams noteikt līdz 5 izteiktāko ādas hromoforu koncentrāciju sadalījumu. Iekārtas darbība tika pārbaudīta in vitro un in vivo. Darba rezultāti parāda izstrādātās iekārtas funkcionālās iespējas un darbības ierobežojumus.
Express RGB mapping of three to five skin chromophores
Skin melanin, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin were snapshot-mapped under simultaneous 448-532-659 nm laser illumination by a smartphone RGB camera. Experimental prototypes for double-snapshot RGB mapping of four (melanin, bilirubin, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin) and five (melanin, bilirubin, lipids, oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin) skin chromophores with reduced laser speckle artefacts have been developed and tested. A set of 405-448-532-659 nm lasers were used for four chromophores mapping, and a set of 405-448-532-659-842 nm lasers for five chromophores mapping. Clinical tests confirmed functionality of the developed devices.