A. Saitoh
An increased F2-laser damage in ‘wet’ silica glass due to atomic hydrogen: A new hydrogen-related E′-center
Abstract A dramatic increase of F2-laser induced room temperature-stable point defects in ‘wet’ synthetic silica glass occurs when irradiation temperature is lowered to 80 K. Contrary to the predictions based on the established models of defect processes, a large part of defects induced at 80 K remains stable also at the room temperature. The intensities of the laser-induced optical absorption bands of the non-bridging oxygen hole centers (2.0 and 4.8 eV) and E′-centers (5.8 eV) are comparable to those created by neutron irradiation (1018 n/cm2). A growth of infrared absorption peak at 2237 cm−1 indicates creation of silicon hydride (SiH) groups. A study of irradiation dose dependences and …