Elina Jă¤rvelă¤-reijonen
Additional file 1: of The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on eating behavior and diet delivered through face-to-face contact and a mobile app: a randomized controlled trial
Table S1. The effects of ACT-based Face-to-face and Mobile interventions on diet quality. (PDF 26Â kb)
Additional file 2: of The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on eating behavior and diet delivered through face-to-face contact and a mobile app: a randomized controlled trial
Table S2. Standardized estimates (standard error) and p-values for moderated intervention effects. (PDF 27Â kb)
Additional file 1: of The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on eating behavior and diet delivered through face-to-face contact and a mobile app: a randomized controlled trial
Table S1. The effects of ACT-based Face-to-face and Mobile interventions on diet quality. (PDF 26Â kb)
Additional file 2: of The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on eating behavior and diet delivered through face-to-face contact and a mobile app: a randomized controlled trial
Table S2. Standardized estimates (standard error) and p-values for moderated intervention effects. (PDF 27Â kb)