Sointu Leikas


Personality types during transition to young adulthood: how are they related to life situation and well-being?

Abstract The present longitudinal study examined personality types, their change, and their relations with life outcomes and well-being in a sample of young Finns ( N  = 493) that was followed from age 15 to 23. The Big Five traits were measured at ages 20 and 23, and four personality types – Resilients, Overcontrollers, Anti-Resilients, and “Averages” – emerged at both time points. Those with higher initial well-being were more likely to be later classified as Resilients, whereas those with low and decreasing well-being were more likely to be classified as Anti-Resilients. At age 23, Anti-Resilients were less likely to have reached normative educational goals than others, and more likely t…

research product

Personality Trait Changes Among Young Finns: The Role of Life Events and Transitions

Recent research has shown that personality traits continue to develop throughout the life span, but most profound changes are typically found during young adulthood. Increasing evidence suggests that life events play a significant role in many of these changes. The present longitudinal study examined the role of work, education, social, and health-related life events in the development of the Big Five traits among young Finns. Participants were originally recruited in 2004 through elementary schools in a middle-sized Finnish city. Participants' Big Five traits and life events were measured via self-reports at ages 20 and 23 (Ns = 597 and 588, respectively). Entering work life, beginning a r…

research product

Hyvin toimeentuleva, terve ja suvaitsematon – Suomalaisten nuorten poliittiset ideologiat asenneprofiileina tarkasteltuna

Yksilön asenteet eivät ole satunnaiset. Sen sijaan ihmiset omaksuvat tiettyjä asennekokonaisuuksia, eli poliittisia ideologioita, joita eri sosiaaliset ryhmät ylläpitävät. Esimerkiksi maahanmuuton kannatus tai vastustus tuo useimmiten mukanaan tukun muita asenteita sosiaali-, talous- ja turvallisuuspolitiikasta. Tavanomainen muuttujakeskeinen lähestymistapa asenteisiin ei kuitenkaan tavoita tätä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin nuorten aikuisten (N=744, ikä 18-29, M=24,65) poliittisia asenteita henkilösuuntautuneesta näkökulmasta: mitä latentteja ryhmiä (vrt. ideologioita) asenteista muodostuu ja miten vastaajat siirtyvät niiden välillä pitkittäisseurannassa? Asenteet maahanmuutosta, sosi…

research product