Ali A. Assiry
Herbal Medications in Endodontics and Its Application—A Review of Literature
Herbal products are gaining popularity in dental and medical practice nowadays due to their biocompatibility, higher antimicrobial activity, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Herbal medicine has experienced rapid growth in recent years due to its beneficial properties, ease of availability, and lack of side effects. As pathogenic bacteria become more resistant to antibiotics and chemotherapeutic agents, researchers are becoming more interested in alternative products and treatment choices for oral diseases. As a result, natural phytochemicals separated from plants and utilized in traditional medicine are suitable substitutes for synthetic chemicals. The aim of this review articl…
Clinical Assessment of the Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Coronally Advanced Flap Procedure in the Management of Isolated Gingival Recession
The aim of this randomized, controlled split-mouth clinical trial was to assess the effect of LLLT on wound healing after modified coronally advanced flap (MCAF) procedure for treatment of isolated recession-type defects. Fifteen patients with isolated bilaterally symmetrical gingival recessions (Miller’s Class I or Class II, or a combination of both) were enrolled in this study. After a modified, coronally advanced flap technique was implemented, a diode laser (810 nm) with a power of 120 mW irradiated the inner surface of the flap and the outer surface of the flap (low-level laser therapy—LLLT) after suturing for 5 min. This was repeated for the following four consecutive days…