Elke Hammer


Fumarate dependent protein composition under aerobic and anaerobic growth conditions in Escherichia coli

Abstract In the absence of sugars, C4-dicarboxylates (C4DC) like fumarate represent important substrates for growth of Escherichia coli. Aerobically, C4DCs are oxidized to CO2 whereas anaerobically, C4DCs are used for fumarate respiration. In order to determine the impact of fumarate under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, proteomes of E. coli W3110 grown aerobically or anaerobically with fumarate and/or the non-C4DC substrate glycerol were comparatively profiled by nanoLC-MS/MS. Membrane enrichment allowed sensitive detection of membrane proteins. A total of 1657 proteins of which 646 and 374 were assigned to the cytosol or membrane, respectively, were covered. Presence of fumarate trigger…

research product

Cellular Concentrations of the Transporters DctA and DcuB and the Sensor DcuS of Escherichia coli and the Contributions of Free and Complexed DcuS to Transcriptional Regulation by DcuR.

ABSTRACT In Escherichia coli , the catabolism of C 4 -dicarboxylates is regulated by the DcuS-DcuR two-component system. The functional state of the sensor kinase DcuS is controlled by C 4 -dicarboxylates (like fumarate) and complexation with the C 4 -dicarboxylate transporters DctA and DcuB, respectively. Free DcuS (DcuS F ) is known to be constantly active even in the absence of fumarate, whereas the DcuB-DcuS and DctA-DcuS complexes require fumarate for activation. To elucidate the impact of the transporters on the functional state of DcuS and the concentrations of DcuS F and DcuB-DcuS (or DctA-DcuS), the absolute levels of DcuS, DcuB, and DctA were determined in aerobically or anaerobic…

research product