A Erbetta
Gli intellettuali e la riforma della scuola: un dibattito sulle pagine di «Rinascita»
The author analyzes, from the Second World War, the debate around school reform born on the pages of «Rinascita». The protagonists were scholars of the caliber of Marchesi L. Lombardo Radice, Banfi and enlargement of the main issues focused around education for the working classes as a means of social ascent (and here he became interested Lombardo Radice). They discussed also the opportunity to bring the school post primary the model of classical humanistic culture or adapt to technical requirements of the manufacturing world. On the pages of «Rinascita» these issues were discussed for many years with great interest.
ContrAzioni di presidio e mitigazione
Partendo dalla concezione di "rischio" e contrapponendola a quella di "azzardo", il testo introduce il lavoro di indagine e le proposte interattive nate durante e in seguito dell'esperienza del Laboratorio del cammino che nel 2021 attraversavai territori in contrazione delle province di Torino e Biella. Starting from the concept of "risk" and opposing it with that of "hazard", the text introduces the investigation work and the interactive proposals developed during and following the experience of the "Laboratorio del Cammino" which in 2021 crossed the shrinking territories of the Turin and Biella provinces.