Could HLA-DQ suggest why some patients have olmesartan-related diarrhea and others don't?
Amyloidosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review of Epidemiology, Clinical Features, and Treatment.
Background and Aims: Amyloidosis is a rare complication of inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]; its low prevalence has hindered both descriptive and therapeutic studies. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of amyloidosis in IBD and the risk factors associated with this complication. Methods: This paper presents an observational study, followed by a systematic review of the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the disease and a review of the diagnostic and therapeutic options. Results: The prevalence of amyloidosis among IBD patients is 0.53% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.32–0.75), although epidemiological data suggest that it may be under-diagnosed. The phenotype…