Mirta Rodriguez

Signatures of superfluidity for Feshbach-resonant Fermi gases

We consider atomic Fermi gases where Feshbach resonances can be used to continuously tune the system from weak to strong interaction regime, allowing to scan the whole BCS-BEC crossover. We show how a probing field transferring atoms out of the superfluid can be used to detect the onset of the superfluid transition in the high-$T_c$ and BCS regimes. The number of transferred atoms, as a function of the energy given by the probing field, peaks at the gap energy. The shape of the peak is asymmetric due to the single particle excitation gap. Since the excitation gap includes also a pseudogap contribution, the asymmetry alone is not a signature of superfluidity. Incoherent nature of the non-con…

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Scissors modes of two-component degenerate gases: Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi mixtures

We investigate the scissors modes in binary mixtures of degenerate dilute quantum gases, for both Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi mixtures. For the latter we consider both the superfluid and normal hydrodynamic and collisionless regimes. We analyze the dependence of the frequencies of the scissors modes and their character as a function of the Bose-Fermi coupling and the trap geometry. We show that the scissors mode can reveal a clear trace of the hydrodynamic behavior of the Fermi gas.

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Laser-induced collective excitations in a two-component Fermi gas

We consider the linear density response of a two-component (superfluid) Fermi gas of atoms when the perturbation is caused by laser light. We show that various types of laser excitation schemes can be transformed into linear density perturbations, however, a Bragg spectroscopy scheme is needed for transferring energy and momentum into a collective mode. This makes other types of laser probing schemes insensitive for collective excitations and therefore well suited for the detection of the superfluid order parameter. We show that for the special case when laser light is coupled between the two components of the Fermi gas, density response is always absent in a homogeneous system.

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Josephson effect in superfluid atomic Fermi-gases

We consider an analog of the internal Josephson effect in superfluid atomic Fermi-gases. Four different hyperfine states of the atoms are assumed to be trapped and to form two superfluids via the BCS-type pairing. Weshow that Josephson oscillations can be realized by coupling the superfluids with two laser fields. Choosing the laser detunings in a suitable way leads to an asymmetric below-gap tunneling effect for which there exists no analogue in the context of solid-state superconductivity.

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Bloch oscillations in Fermi gases

The possibility of Bloch oscillations for a degenerate and superfluid Fermi gas of atoms in an optical lattice is considered. For a one-component degenerate gas the oscillations are suppressed for high temperatures and band fillings. For a two-component gas the Landau criterion is used for specifying the regime where Bloch oscillations of the superfluid may be observed. We show how the amplitude of Bloch oscillations varies along the BCS-BEC crossover.

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