Hannele Forsman
Adherence to an Injury Prevention Warm-Up Program in Children’s Soccer : A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
This study examined the impact of high adherence to a neuromuscular training (NMT) warm-up on the risk of lower extremity (LE) injuries in children’s soccer. Twenty U11–U14 youth clubs (n = 92 teams, 1409 players) were randomized into intervention (n = 44 teams) and control (n = 48 teams) groups. The intervention group was advised to perform an NMT warm-up 2 to 3 times a week for 20 weeks. Team adherence, injuries, and exposure were registered throughout the follow-up. Primary outcomes were the incidence of soccer-related acute LE injuries and the prevalence of overuse LE injuries. Intervention teams conducted mean 1.7 (SD 1.0) NMT warm-ups weekly through follow-up. The seasonal trend for a…
The player development process among young Finnish soccer players : multidimensional approach
Development and validation of the Perceived Game-Specific Soccer Competence Scale
The objective of this study was to create a valid, self-reported, game-specific soccer competence scale. A structural model of perceived competence, performance measures and motivation was tested as the basis for the scale. A total of 1321 soccer players (261 females, 1060 males) ranging from 12 to 15 years (13.4 ± 1.0 years) participated in the study. They completed the Perceived Game-Specific Soccer Competence Scale (PGSSCS), self-assessments of tactical skills and motivation, as well as technical and speed and agility tests. Results of factor analyses, tests of internal consistency and correlations between PGSSCS subscales, performance measures and motivation supported the reliability an…
The role of sport-specific play and practice during childhood in the development of adolescent Finnish team sport athletes
This study sought to understand the role of sport-specific play and practice in the development of adolescent team sport athletes in the Finnish sports development system. Participants were male, 15-year-old soccer (n = 141), ice hockey (n = 204), and basketball (n = 96) players, divided into three groups based on the amount of sport-specific play and practice experienced during childhood. Data were collected with sport-specific inventories of practice history, tactical skills, psychological skills, and sport-specific skill test. Results showed that athletes with more sport-specific play and practice during childhood had more sport-specific play and practice during adolescence, better techn…
The role of sport-specific play and practice during childhood in the development of adolescent Finnish team sport athletes
This study sought to understand the role of sport-specific play and practice in the development of adolescent team sport athletes in the Finnish sports development system. Participants were male, 15-year-old soccer (n ¼ 141), ice hockey (n ¼ 204), and basketball (n ¼ 96) players, divided into three groups based on the amount of sport-specific play and practice experienced during childhood. Data were collected with sport-specific inventories of practice history, tactical skills, psychological skills, and sport-specific skill test. Results showed that athletes with more sport-specific play and practice during childhood had more sport-specific play and practice during adolescence, better techn…
Identifying technical, physiological, tactical and psychological characteristics that contribute to career progression in soccer
This study sought to examine which technical, physiological, tactical and psychological characteristics at age 15 years contribute to successful soccer performance at age 19 years. Participants were male soccer players ( n = 114; mean age 15.4 ± 0.3 years), divided into elite and sub-elite groups based on their performance level at age 19 years. Technical, physiological, tactical and psychological characteristics were recorded when players were 15-year olds. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that performance level at age 19 was clearly associated with technical skills of passing and centering as well as agility and motivation levels recorded at age 15 years. These results extend o…
Kokonaisvaltainen lahjakkuuden tunnistaminen ja kehittäminen jalkapallossa
Hannele Forsman, 2013. Kokonaisvaltainen lahjakkuuden tunnistaminen ja kehittäminen jalkapallossa. Liikuntapedagogiikan pro-gradu tutkielma. Jyväskylän yliopisto. 61 sivua. Lahjakkuuden tunnistaminen jalkapallossa on haastavaa. Jalkapallossa ei ole objektiivista suorituskyvyn mittaria, jonka perusteella voitaisiin arvioida osaamisen tai kehittymisen tasoa yksiselitteisesti. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten valmentajien lahjakkaina pitämät 11-14-vuotiaat poikapelaajat eroavat muista pelaajista kokonaisvaltaisen valmennuksen osa-alueilla sekä harjoittelumäärissä. Tutkimukseen osallistui 509 pelaajaa kymmenestä suomalaisesta seurasta, joista tutkimukseen osallistui edustusj…
Development of perceived competence, tactical skills, motivation, technical skills, and speed and agility in young soccer players
The objective of this 1-year, longitudinal study was to examine the development of perceived competence, tactical skills, motivation, technical skills, and speed and agility characteristics of young Finnish soccer players. We also examined associations between latent growth models of perceived competence and other recorded variables. Participants were 288 competitive male soccer players ranging from 12 to 14 years (12.7 ± 0.6) from 16 soccer clubs. Players completed the self-assessments of perceived competence, tactical skills, and motivation, and participated in technical, and speed and agility tests. Results of this study showed that players' levels of perceived competence, tactical skill…